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  1. فلاش خارجي للجوالات - حلقة سيلفي مع اضاءة LED يزيد من جمال الصورة ??❤ حلقة مزودة باضاءة فلاش LED متنقلة لالتقاط الصور الشخصية. صور واضحة في اي وقت ? Top-10 حلقة سيلفي - LED Ring Light اشتري الآن US $ 3.90 - 13.88 شحن مجاني (22-35 days)
  2. Led blesk v mobile - selfie světlo Ring Light Ideální pomocník pro nasvícení beze stínů při fotografování portrétů nebo produktové fotografii a vhodné pro videoblogery. Světlo vytváří v odrazu oka zajímavým kruh. Základem kvalitního snímku je správné nastavení fotoaparátu a dobré osvětlení snímané scény. ? Тop-10 Led blesk v mobile - selfie světlo Ring Light Kup ted' € 3,39 - 13,08 Doprava zdarma (17-25 dnů)
  3. Selfie Ring Light - Ringlampen Are you not satisfied with your selfie photos in a dark environment? Well, here is the perfect solution for you. This round, palm-sized light provides the extra light. By shooting through the middle of a ring light, you are placing your light source on the same plane as your camera. This type of lighting fills all of the shadows caused by imperfections to create a very smooth and silky texture to your subjects’ skin. Ring lights also create a very distinct catch light in your subjects’ eyes; a solid white ring in the iris. Ringlamper har dagslys med 5400 K og fasongen gir et veldig fint fotolys for portretter og liknende. High quality pictures for your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat Fashion & Beauty Bloggers. ? Тop-10 Selfie Ring Light - LED Ringlampen Kjøp nå € 3,39 - 13,08 Gratis frakt (17-26 dager)
  4. Luxe LED Light ring (selfie ring) Professional Ring Light for phone and laptop Een ringlicht is een lamp in de vorm van een open cirkel. Het zorgt voor een mooi en effen licht en is daardoor heel geschikt voor je gezicht. Beauty-guru’s gebruiken deze lampen vaak voor het opnemen van video’s en je kan zo’n lamp herkennen wanneer je witte cirkels in de ogen ziet. Fits on most smart phones including iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus and Galaxy s7 Edge Fits on your Macbook and any other laptop with a webcam Fits on iPads and Android tablets No apps to download, no plugging into your phone! Just turn on and use. Het geheim van een perfecte selfie – dat zal elke professionele fotograaf bevestigen – is de belichting. Zonder de juiste lichtinval is het moeilijk om een mooie foto te maken. Ring lights voor een perfecte selfie Met deze selfie Ring Light zullen we nooit meer naar de donkere omgeving meer zorgen te maken. Met 3 verschillende niveaus van helderheid, heb je de perfecte verlichting die nodig is voor uw foto's te maken. De lamp is zeer geschikt voor het filmen en fotograferen op korte afstand, maar geeft ook voor veraf een egaal licht. De lichtsterkte is verstelbaar. een ringlampje voor je smartphone ? Тop-10 LED Flash Ring Selfie Light Koop nu € 3,39 - 13,08 Gratis Verzending (16-38 days) Zowel de clip waarmee je hem bevestigt, als de onderkant van de ring heeft een rubberen anti-slip laagje, dat beschadiging van het scherm voorkomt. Dit zijn vaak grote lampen die in combinatie met een professionele camera worden gebruikt, maar nu is er dus ook een mini ringlicht voor je smartphone. Perfect voor het nemen van selfies!
  5. Lampa circulara pentru telefon Lampa foto circulara pentru fotografie. Lampa LED pentru smartphone-uri care poate fi folosita pe post de blitz atunci cand fotografiati sau lampa video pentru filmari. LED Ring Light ofera o lumina uniforma, ideala pentru portrete in general. Temperatura de culoare de 5600ºK, fiind potrivita pentru portrete. Compatibil cu orice smartphone sau tableta care dispune de camera frontala pentru selfie. LED Ring Light asemenea, dispune de 3 trepte de intensitate pe care le puteti regla in functie de preferinta si de lumina ambientala. Cumpara Acum € 3,40 - 13,14 Livrare gratuita (27-49 zile)
  6. Настольная LED лампа с реакцией на музыку В инструкции ниже описано, как изготовить потрясающую светодиодную, настольную лампу, свет которой танцует в такт звучащей музыке и окружающим звукам. Она создает удивительный световой эффект, просто находясь рядом на столе во время проигрывания музыки или при наличии любых других звуков рядом. Для изготовления используются простые компоненты и требуются небольшие, минимальные познания в программировании контроллеров Arduino. По ссылке доступна принципиальная электрическая схема проекта Шаг 1: Основные компоненты Для изготовления лампы можно использовать много различных компонентов и материалов, которые находятся под рукой, можно импровизировать в процессе изготовления, но все же для изготовления необходимо несколько ключевых компонентов: Микроконтроллер Arduino Nano (или любой другой столь же малых размеров); Модуль детектора звука для Arduino; Блок питания 5V DC (или 12V, но с понижающим модулем, как в этой инструкции); Светодиодная лента с индивидуально адресуемыми светодиодами плотностью 60 шт./м (в данном случае использовалась: 5M 45W 150SMD WS2812B LED RGB Colorful Strip Light Waterproof IP65 White/Black PCB DC5V). В зависимости от того, какой внешний вид вы хотите получить, можно по-разному располагать светодиодные ленты и использовать различные рассеивающие материалы. Здесь вы можете проявить творческий подход. Если вам нравится вид лампы, который получился в данном случае, вам понадобятся еще следующие материалы: Самая высокая банка для специй IKEA Droppar (http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/collections/droppar/); Небольшой отрезок трубы ПВХ. Примерная стоимость всех материалов составила около 30$. Шаг 2: Подключение питания к компонентам Звездой шоу является модуль звукового детектора. Он обеспечивает аналоговый сигнал для обработки контроллером Arduino, который используется для ловкого управления светодиодами RGB. Для того чтобы использовать компоненты, надо подключить к ним питание. Они все используют питание напряжением 5V DC. В данном случае, использовался понижающий модуль питания с 12V до 5V, но, конечно же, проще использовать блок питания, выдающий непосредственно 5V. Первым делом, надо подключить положительный провод питания к контактам VIN на контроллере Arduino и модуле звукового детектора. Аналогично подключить отрицательный провод к контактам GND. Соответственно, надо подключить питание (+5V и GND) на вход светодиодной полосы. Шаг 3: Детектор звука и LED полоса После подключения питания ко всем трем элементам, нужно подключить линии обмена информацией. Модуль детектора звука взаимодействует с контроллером Arduino через аналоговые входы контроллера. В данном случае используется вход A0, но на самом деле номер входа значения не имеет, он задается программно. Для управления светодиодной лентой требуется импульсный управляющий сигнал, который определяет, какой светодиод должен загореться и каким цветом. Следовательно, для этого используется цифровой выход Arduino Nano, контакт D6. Шаг 4: Загрузка программного кода Наиболее важной частью этого проекта является программный код для микроконтроллера. Он превращает простую светодиодную лампу в удивительную интерактивную систему. Его основной задачей является преобразование аналоговых значений в некоторое количество светящихся светодиодов с определенным цветом. Программный код можно скачать по ссылке: https://github.com/hansjny/Natural-Nerd/blob/master/arduino/soundsread2/sound_reactive.ino Представленный выше код представляет собой как бы карту преобразования аналоговых значений в некоторое количество светящихся светодиодов, и не более того. Если его использовать в исходном виде, то можно получить только лишь нервозно мерцающий свет. Поэтому, он был немного видоизменен и дополнен. В него были добавлены функции более вменяемого и плавного перехода цветов и яркости, а также сделано более продвинутое отслеживание музыки и интенсивности звука, основанное на средних частотах (цвет изменяется в пиковых значениях). В плане изменения и дополнения программного кода вам придется экспериментировать самостоятельно. Шаг 5: Сборка внутренней, электронной части Когда все компоненты собраны и в контроллер загружен программный код, можно приступать к общей сборке внутренней части. Для создания “лампочки” используется ПВХ труба (обычная, сантехническая). Сначала, с одного торца трубы (со стороны раструба), с помощью кусачек вырезается паз по ширине светодиодной ленты, это позволит ее аккуратно уложить с торца. Затем, вся электроника помещается внутрь трубы, а снаружи остается только светодиодная лента, которая укладывается в изготовленный паз и постепенно приклеивается вокруг трубы (по спирали) горячим клеем. Как показала практика, клейкая подложка светодиодной ленты хорошо держит только на ровных поверхностях без изгибов. Поэтому, чтобы она не отвалилась через несколько дней, был использован горячий клей для дополнительной фиксации. Шаг 6: Изготовление корпуса Ввиду того, что верхняя плоскость крышки от банки ИКЕА была сделана из стекла, пришлось изготовить новую верхнюю плоскость, из акрилового листа. Внешний диаметр соответствует металлическому ободку крышки, а внутренний зауженному диаметру на раструбе ПВХ трубы (труба должна вставляться во внутреннее отверстие). После этого, на ПВХ трубу наносится горячий клей и она вставляется в отверстие в крышке. Затем, сверху надевается сама банка. Шаг 7: Завершение Перевернув лампу, можно увидеть размещение электронных компонентов, а также доступ к интерфейсу USB контроллера Arduino и разъему питания понижающего модуля. Для устойчивости, и для того чтобы не мешали провода, были установлены три ножки, сделанные из ручек потенциометров. В идеале, можно было бы отделать дно лампы красивым деревом или алюминием. Шаг 8: Готово! Источник: instructables
  7. iLight Technologies, Inc.

    Bridge Lighting Design | Projects | Fixtures

    Hastings Bridge Spanning the Mississippi River and glowing thanks to Plexineon linear LED fixtures, the Hastings Bridge is longest free-standing tied-arch bridge in North America. Plexineon outlines the shape of the bridge, while illuminating the cables connecting the arch to the deck. Lighting an Award-winning Bridge Plexineon Illuminates a Historic River Town’s Newest Icon Founded in 1857 and located at the junction of the St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers, the town of Hastings, Minnesota, takes pride in its rich, historical past — and its bridges. From 1895 to 1951, a unique Spiral Bridge spanned the Mississippi and looped through Hastings’ small downtown. That structure was replaced in 1951 by the Hastings High Bridge, a continuous steel through truss structure that served as the town’s icon for the next 50-plus years. But after the 2007 collapse of the I-35 bridge 30 miles upstream in St. Paul, the Minnesota Legislature passed funding to accelerate repair and/or replacement of fracture critical bridges. The Hastings High Bridge was advanced from a construction date of 2015 to a construction date of 2010. The result is a new signature bridge — a $120 million structure designed by Parsons Transportation, with bridge architecture by Touchstone Architecture and Consulting. The longest free-standing tied-arch bridge in North America, it has a main span composed of arches, girders, beams, stringers, and roadway comprising four lanes of traffic plus a mixed-use pedestrian and bike path. At night, it is illuminated by iLight Plexineon White 1X fixtures that are in step with the quiet beauty of the environment and the soul of a community with small-town charm. The Design Challenge That desire to complement, not detract from, the natural setting was expressed by community stakeholders during the design approval process. “Residents have a strong emotional connection to the bridge,” says Ken Douglas, Principal and Founder, Illumination Arts LLC. “When it came to the lighting, they wanted to highlight the bridge, but without a lot of glitz and glamour.” “Plexineon creates a line of light that’s pleasing to look at from multiple viewpoints.” – Elizabeth Johnson, Senior Designer, Illumination Arts LLC The firm had used Plexineon before, but never for a bridge project. “This was a great opportunity to use the product,” Douglas says. Working in close collaboration with Touchstone, the Illumination Arts team proposed tracing the bridge’s arches with Plexineon — a way to subtly accentuate the shape of the bridge against the night sky, while creating a soft reflection in the river. The lighting also illuminates the thin cables that connect the arches to the deck. The Plexineon Advantage After winning community approval of the design, the firm worked with iLight Technologies to ensure smooth execution. Elizabeth Johnson, Senior Designer at Illumination Arts, says the entire process was “well coordinated, especially on the shop drawings. I think the planning and details really paid off.” A Minnesota native, Johnson made a point to see the finished result herself when she returned home weeks after the bridge opened in 2013. “I was really pleased with how the installation detail looked up close from the pedestrian path,” she says. “Plexineon creates a line of light that’s pleasing to look at from multiple viewpoints — whether you’re walking over the bridge or seeing it from the riverbank.” The new bridge has already become a new source of civic pride in Hastings. It also has quickly garnered awards, including being named the 2014 Midwest Best Project of the Year in the Highways/Bridges category by Engineering News-Record (ENR) magazine. More information is available at www.ilight-tech.com
  8. Schallberg Tunnel Lit with LED Lighting Thanks to LED lighting from Tridonic, the Schallberg tunnel on the Simplon Pass is much brighter. The extensive, two-and-a-half-year renovation transformed the dark 1970s constructed tunnel in the Swiss Alps. The 45 km long Simplon Pass between Brig and Iselle is one of the most important transit routes in the Swiss Alps that has numerous tunnels, bridges, and galleries, most of which have been in operation since the 1960s or 70s and greatly need of repair. The Renovation of the 500 m long Schallberg tunnel at the beginning of the pass could not be delayed. “This was a complete renovation job, involving all the tunnel elements. Among other things, we repaired the two galleries, built a new escape tunnel, lowered the road in some places to provide adequate clearance for trucks, and put down a new road surface,” said Mark Siegenthaler from ASTRA, the Swiss Federal Roads Office. In addition to replacing the lighting and lighting controls, the renovation upgraded the operational and safety equipment, the ventilation system, and the power supply. Tridonic points out that now the Schallberg tunnel with its new LED lighting is bright and inviting. Swiss lighting specialist, Rigamonti supplied a total of 100 transition zone luminaires and 150 interior zone luminaires, and Tridonic supplied the “inner workings” of the luminaires. Also, the emergency lights on the walls, the escape exit signs, the escape route lights, and the escape route indicators all use LED components from Tridonic. The transition zone luminaires in the entrance and exit zones feature new RLE series LED modules that Tridonic developed specifically for tunnel lighting according to Rigamonti’s specifications. Although the entrances and exits of tunnels are high-risk areas for accidents because of the abrupt change in lighting conditions, the risk can be reduced with the right artificial lighting. Each transition zone luminaire contains two LED modules. The modules operate at a current of 350 mA, consume 112 W and generate a luminous flux of 18,350 lm. Only the last three luminaires of the transition zone use only one LED module. This lower light level eases the lighting transition as vehicles proceed to the interior zone. The LED technology allows the luminaire to have a low-profile design. The luminaires measure 1,550 mm long and 170 mm wide but only 40 mm (4 cm) deep. Tridonic based the new customized LED modules for the interior zone on its LLE Series modules. Five of the customized modules were put in each luminaire. With an operating current of 300 mA, the interior zone luminaires consume 38.25 W and provide 6,365 lm. An emission angle of 120° and correlated color temperature of 6,500 K combined with the light output produce the recommended average carriageway luminances of 45 cd/m2 in the entrance zone and 3 cd/m2 in the tunnel’s interior. The Rigamonti luminaires use 1-100% dimmable constant-current LED drivers from Tridonic’s Premium series to help ensure optimum operating conditions for the LEDs modules. The drivers allow adjustable output currents and have integrated short-circuit, overtemperature, and overload protection. The one4all interface enables dimming via DALI as well as DSI, switchDIM, and corridorFUNCTION and also has the ready2mains digital interface. While the transition zone luminaires have one driver for each of the two LED modules, the tunnel interior luminaires need just one driver per luminaire. Source: tridonic, solidstatelightingdesign
  9. Alessi, Beautiful Kitchenware Store Design The design of the Alessi Flagship store in Soho New York creates a new identity for the Alessi brand and increases its global presence with the launch of this first US based store. Asymptote designed of the store’s interior architecture to reflect the brand's unparalleled reputation for innovation, quality and engagement in everyday life. As the Soho site is deep and relatively narrow Asymptote developed a sequence of spaces that are characterized and delineated by a geometric manipulation of the walls and ceiling that progresses through the length of the space. Integrated with the faceted geometry of the walls and ceiling, 'bands of light' are spaced at regular intervals throughout the store and function primarily as spatial thresholds between one interior module and the next. Beyond the mandated display of merchandise within the store's interior Asymptote designed a café, a bar as well as a small exhibition area, thereby transforming an otherwise conventional retail program into a multifaceted environment that engages the customer in unique ways. The storefront window itself, both propels the space of the store out into the urban environment while on the interior it extends and merges spatially with the adjoining exhibition area. Here at the store entrance iconic pieces from Alessi's extensive repertoire are exhibited in illuminated molded display modules inserted seamlessly into the walls. The design of the café is also integrated into the architecture of the store with recessed café seating and an articulated 3D milled counter that is set against a large scale custom designed wall graphic. This wall graphic along with the store's distinctive packaging, signage and other elements were all designed by Asymptote as part of Alessi's new branding strategy. Asymptote also custom designed the store's unique modular display system manufactured by Vitra, that showcases the stores merchandise. Source: asymptote
  10. LUMES Lighted Wall Panels Meet the new interactive light emitting wall panel, bringing light, color and stories to any space. LUMES integrates into interior walls and comes in many surfaces that glow, from wood to wool. Each LUMES panel forms an animated interactive canvas that blends into surrounding interiors. Melbourne-based ENESS is designing walls that come to life through their light-emitting wood called LUMES. They just completed their inaugural installation at Cabrini Hospital Malvern in Melbourne, Australia with the help of architects DesignInc that lets patients, especially children, get involved in the interactive stories. Get a peek of it in action: ENESS is combining art and technology and then throwing in some fun for their LUMES light-emitting wall systems, which are triggered by visitors who set off colorful, animated animals and landscapes. They’re starting with wood veneer but hope to expand the material choices to give architects and designers more options for a range of immersive environments. More info: eness lumes Source: design-milk
  11. Robert Lights ✌

    LED Bicycle Light, Headlight, Laser

    Riding A Bike At Night Just Got Easier With This New Device That Prevents Painful Spills For those of you who love riding bicycles, whether in competitions or just for transportation, you might have experienced some difficulties when riding at night. Potholes, road cracks and other road defects can lead to nasty injuries. With the goal of helping cyclists avoid such accidents, a group of Chinese researchers from Sichuan University created an innovative lighting concept especially made for cyclists called "The Lumigrid." 1. The Lumigrid uses an LED light The Lumigrid emits a grid of light toward the ground. The light then changes its form according to its surface. 2. The Lumigrid's light contours with the surface of the road The light also bends so the cyclist will be able to avoid obstacles on the road. 3. The Lumigrid has three modes to choose from The default mode sends out an image of 5.5 x 7.1 inch squares, the high speed mode sends out a 5.5 x 10.2 inch squares and the team mode expands to 11.8 x 4. Unfortunately, the Lumigrid is just still a concept Although the Lumigrid hasn't been fully developed, the device is expected to be available sometime this year. Source: baton
  12. Focus Wall Slot FWSL | Focal Point Lights Focal Point’s Focus Wall Slot is a low-profile perimeter luminaire that fully conceals the indirect optics, creating the appearance of a floating ceiling while illuminating walls. Infinite lengths combined with the ability to create patterns with 90° inside or outside corners provide flexibility in design, bringing depth and visual interest to unnoticed areas of commercial spaces. Designed for easy installation and maintenance, and to accommodate restricted plenum ceilings, the roughly 6-in.-tall rough-in steel housing contains a separate LED light module that can be snapped in at any stage of the construction process. The housing assembly is engineered with built-in adjustability, accommodating variations in finished dimensions of the spaces. Various lumen outputs and color temperature options provide customization for various applications. Click here to learn more. More info: focalpointlights
  13. World's first lighted zebra crossing in the Netherlands Because pedestrians on zebra crossings are badly visible in the dark or during bad weather, many accidents happen on a daily basis and all over the world. A lot of them have deadly consequences. To reduce the number of accidents, the Dutch company Lighted Zebra Crossing has installed the world’s first lighted zebra crossing. The idea came a few years ago from a 10-year-old girl called Aurora from Groningen, the Netherlands, because she did not feel safe to cross the street at zebra crossings. Her theory was that drivers often do not stop before a zebra crossing because they do not see it, so making the crossings more visible would change that. In various Dutch and Belgian towns (Heerenveen, Groningen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp and Brussels), this theory was put to the test by placing mats on the streets on which a zebra crossing was displayed. The white stripes of these mats lit up when someone approached the crossing, pedestrian, cyclist or driver (see video). As the test showed promising results, Lighted Zebra Crossing developed a lighted zebra crossing that can be installed anywhere. Instead of painting the white stripes on the street with light-reflecting paint, they created lightboxes with LED lights that function as the stripes and can be installed into the road. The dimensions are 200 x 50 cm (78.7 x 19.7 inch). Usually, two plates are installed next to each other to form one long stripe. The company developed two versions, one for a brick road and one for an asphalt road. In the former, the lightboxes have a steel frame in which a layer of concrete is poured. A luminous plate is put on top of this. The depth can be custom made, and is usually between 8 and 10 cm (3.1 to 3.9 inch). The asphalt version does not contain a frame with concrete and is about 4 cm thick (1.6 inch). It can be installed directly into the asphalt. The lights only use a small amount of electricity and can be connected to the streetlights, so that the crossing lights up when the lampposts do. It can also be connected with solar panels. To test the durability, the lightboxes were installed near a transport company. Daily, about 250 fully loaded trucks drove across it, which is equal to the stress of about 2,500,000 cars. The lightboxes were also tested during various weather conditions, including frost and sun. Salt sprinkling was taken into account as well. The first lighted zebra crossing was installed in a Dutch village called Eerbeek, which is where the company is from. It was installed within two weeks and will be officially revealed tonight. The aim is to install more of these crossings in other cities in the Netherlands soon. Video 2, Video 3 and Video 4 More info: lightedzebracrossing Source: materia
  14. IP40 Rigid Bar Light with Rotatibe Magnet Brackets for shelf lighting and display case LED Lighting Meat LED Lighting Bakery LED Lighting Deli LED Lighting Vegetables and Fruits LED Lighting Beverage LED Lighting Dairy Magnet and Rotating mounting Bracket-Flexible and easy installtion to solve the expensive cost for electrician problem Powerful-Expandable up to 7 meters-Magnetic fixture Buy Now $ 72 - 80 Free international shipping (19-39 days) 260mm DC24V (10 pieces / lot , US $ 7.20 - 8 / piece ) Buy Now $ 105.50 - 140 Free international shipping (19-39 days) 560mm DC24V (10 pieces / lot , US $ 10.55 - 14 / piece )
  15. Beef Stored Under LED Lights Stays Red Longer Researchers from College of Agriculture Food & Natural Resources at the University of Missouri have found that hamburger meat stored under LED lights retains its red color longer than it does under incandescent bulbs. Despite having no nutritional difference, consumers associate this red color with the freshness of ground beef. The red color gradually turns brown over time. Carol Lorenzen, a professor of meat science, pointed out that the red color of the ground beef is the one of the primary driver’s of consumer choice. Professor Lorenzen and her graduate student, Jade Cooper, have examined the impact of LED lighting on beef color. The team published a paper in the October 2016 issue of the Journal of Animal Science. The research paper mainly explained how keeping ground beef under LED lights as opposed to incandescent bulbs can slow down the redness-discoloration (oxidation) process in hamburger meat. The team compared the redness of the ground beef under LED lights to ground beef kept under conventional incandescent bulbs. They also tested storage under no light as a negative control. The researchers found that ground beef stored under no light retained its red color the longest. However, this is not an option when selling meat, because consumers have to see the meat they buy. They examined the color of ground beef patties that were both five and 25 percent fat at one, three, five, and seven-day intervals. The team also tested the patties for concentrations of lipid oxidation and myoglobin. Lipid oxidation is a primary cause of quality deterioration that can lead to rancidity or off flavor in fatty or raw tissues. Myoglobin is the protein responsible for the meat’s color. The deli cases were kept at temperatures near two degrees Celsius (35.6 Fahrenheit) during the experiment. Funding for the study came via a grant from the Missouri Beef Industry Council. The more discoloration occurred, the longer the samples were stored in the display cases. By the fifth day, the more red color of the LED-lit patties was noticeable compared to those under fluorescent lights. The patties under LEDs also had had less oxidation of color and fat, giving them extra display shelf life. Source: solidstatelighting
  16. Osram LED pillars provide the basis for Smart City networking Modern LED City Light pillars equipped with the Street Light Control system and Einstone technology from Osram were installed in a city-wide intelligent network to form the basis for the Wipperfürth Smart City project. Luminaires transmit information via Bluetooth signal that is then recorded and processed by the new WippApp. Smartphone users that have downloaded the app can access a diversity of information such as offers from retailers, information about companies and much more. The town of Wipperfürth began to upgrade its complete road lighting across several construction stages to energy-efficient LED technology in 2010. Now the Hanseatic town in "Bergisches Land" has created a further pioneering project together with Osram. In addition to further LED modernisation, the project also aims at intelligently networking the urban road lighting. The photometric base unit for intelligent LED road lighting is modern City Light pillars from Siteco equipped with the efficient 540 Plus LED module. To make the nocturnal appearance of the town even more appealing, the pillars have a supplementary linear RGB module that can be individually controlled with the Street Light Control software. This enables specific coloured light scenarios to be created in the city centre. The complete software infrastructure is stored in a cloud. An Osram Einstone transmitter is also integrated in the lower area of the luminaire’s top unit. This emits a Bluetooth signal that is received by smartphones and can be used with a corresponding app. Einstone technology enables site-related services by linking it with the Wipperfürth app, and users of the app can simply and conveniently access location-specific special features, the offers of associated retailers and general information. "Street luminaires offer the ideal infrastructure for this because they’re distributed throughout a town or city in a tight grid," said Andreas Pickelein, Project Manager, Osram Lighting Solutions. "Power is also available. When the luminaires light up the road at night the Einstone battery recharges, enabling the device to have sufficient operating voltage during the day" he added. The extensive range of Smart City functions for urban lighting can also be expanded, for example by integrating environment sensors or sensors helping users when searching for parking spaces. Source: osram-group
  17. LEDs light up a homemade ice rink In 2016, a homeowner from Minnesota in the USA attempted to freeze waterproof LED lights in a backyard ice rink. The man who created the ice rink actually owns a flooring business and decided to convert his backyard tennis court into an ice rink during the winter. (Source) His wife pitched him the idea that it should have LED lights in the flooring. The man then went on to find LED lights and created an ice rink that illuminates different colours while skating. You can see a video of the ice rink below.
  18. LEDs ★☆★

    LED Wood Lamp • ideas, design. Lamp made of wood

    Gorgeous Heng Balance Lamp boasts unique magnetic switch mechanism Li Zanwen won the Red Dot Award 2016 for the HENG. The two balls in the wooden frames serve as switches of the lamps. As we raise the the lower ball, the two balls would be drawn together magnetically. They would float in the air and when they reach a balance, the light would be turned on. This new way of interaction brings joy to our monotonous life. It's a new and interactive way to brighten up your room! More info: kickstarter
  19. LEDs ★☆★

    LED Wood Lamp • ideas, design. Lamp made of wood

    The Wooden Light Bulbs I've been always fascinated with the warmth of wood and the brightness of light. The combination of those two can give only a beautiful effect. Here is a video showing the building process step by step. More info: instructables
  20. What Is OLED Lighting: And How Is It Different from LEDs? LED lighting has been a key factor in the energy-use revolution over the last decade. It’s amazing to think that something as innocuous as a light bulb has been at the forefront of educating consumers on how technology can cut our carbon footprint and improve our homes and businesses. In just a few years, LED lighting went from niche uses to mainstream. Helped in part by a significant drop in price, total installations of LED bulbs in American homes more than doubled from 77 million to 202 million in just one year. That figure is even more impressive when compared to the fewer than 400,000 installations in 2009. But will this dramatic shift from one technology to another repeat itself? Will our 25-year life span LED lightbulbs be obsolete in 10 years when another hot new green technology comes along? We won’t have to wait another decade to find out. That new technology is already here: organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs. Estimated to be a $1.3 billion market by 2023, OLED lighting works by using thin layers of organic compounds to emit light through electric currents. In contrast, LEDs predominantly use the chemical yellow phosphor. Score one for OLEDs on the green scale. OLEDs also have no UV rays, whereas LEDs have some. OLEDs differ significantly from LEDs in form. They are made in sheets that are incredibly thin and pliable, so they can be adapted to work in places LEDs can never go. They also emit light evenly, as opposed to the bright, concentrated light of LEDs—think the difference between a paintbrush and a pen. Does this mean OLEDs are going to replace LEDs as a greener, cleaner light source? In short, no. But they will augment and enhance the quest for ultimate lighting efficiency. Due to technical limitations, OLEDs are not, and likely won’t ever be, available in the traditional bulb style. They come as flat panels, which can be replaced as you would a light bulb. Here is an example of a consumer OLED lighting fixture: Source: motherearthnews
  21. LEDs ★☆★

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    JARDINS DO PALACIO Cristal 30 vertical light tubes were place along the margin of the lake and different light composition were pre-program. The result was a set of different light/shadow animated sequences that interact with the natural elements of the surrounding space. Source: lednews.lighting
  22. LEDs ★☆★

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    Ken Burns Bridge Located over a lake that teems with swimmers and boaters during the summer, the Ken Burns Bridge can be viewed by motorists, boaters, swimmers and residents around the lake. Elegant, curved arches are enhanced with color-changing light below deck, while above deck, four 50' tall sail-shaped gateways become color-changing nighttime icons, celebrating holidays, seasons, sports victories and special events. The bridge opened to great acclaim, winning the hearts of residents and becoming a local landmark. In addition to the pre-programmed events, the lighting has been used to express solidarity with France after the terrorist attacks there and to mourn Prince's untimely death. Transparent during the day and visible from all angles at night, the gateway sails welcome motorists and pedestrians to the City of Worcester and Town of Shrewsbury. By way of a custom user interface and pre-programmed events, the owner can create both static and kinetic color-changing events. Source: lednews.lighting
  23. LEDs ★☆★

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    Brainrave is an interactive audiovisual installation BRAINRAVE BY LATE INTERACTIVE Brainrave is an interactive audiovisual installation which lets you control generative music and visuals using your brain alone. Boasting almost 4,000 addressable RGB LEDs, Brainrave seeks to demystify Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and make something that seems like science fiction become science fact. When you wear the EEG headset, an algorithm processes the raw EEG waves into meaningful data, in this case the level of concentration/relaxation. The installation includes a concentration meter in the form of an LED ring which helps you control your concentration better. In order to raise the concentration level, you can focus on the meter, perform complex mathematics in your head or simply focus really hard on one thought. On the other hand, relaxation can be achieved by closing your eyes, letting your muscles loose and zoning out the surrounding environment. This attention level extracted from the headset is then used to manipulate and generate music and visuals through software programmed specifically for this installation. The resulting music is then blasted from a PA system and the visuals are displayed onto the huge array of LEDs for everyone to enjoy... that is until you take off the headset. Brainrave is suited for all audiences. We aim to tour music, light, science and art festivals with it as well as schools and hospitals. Brainrave was originally commissioned by Science in the City, Malta in September 2016. Source: lednews.lighting
  24. LEDs ★☆★

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    CLUSTER it's a real-time interactive Light and Sound installation made by Playmodes Studio Cluster is an immersive audiovisual site-specific installation that explores relationships between space, time and perception. Geometric schematization of architecture using light instruments transforms the space into a container for the abstract language of light and sound. The audiovisual discourse generated in real time using software created by Playmodes, researches the possibilities of formal clusters of oscillators applied to the control of light, sound and atonality to the limits of synaesthetic perception. Source: lednews.lighting
  25. LEDs ★☆★

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    Audiovisual installation ‘After the Storm’ The rumbling sounds of approaching thunder introduce Storm. This immersive audiovisual installation recreates the thrill and excitement of watching a storm as it moves from dark and foreboding to booming explosions of light as the gale approaches. Commissioned for Newcastle Gateshead Initiative's Enchanted Parks 2016, Storm is Output Arts' most ambitious audiovisual installation to date: constructed from 108 separate triangular panels with a total of 4320 LEDs, 335 metres of cabling and a dozen computers. The event saw 30,000 visitors across six nights. Storm uses a recording of a thunderstorm from the British Library Sound Archive, contributed by wildlife sound recordist Simon Elliot; Output Arts are grateful for his kind assistance. Source: lednews.lighting
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