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  1. Towns and cities are increasingly making a mark for themselves with the targeted use of feature lighting. In addition to classical street and area lighting, ways of using illumination to specifically showcase certain places is being increasingly adopted. A creatively-lit park, a sharply illuminated monument, effective facade projection – purposeful and careful use of such elements contributes not only to creating a distinctive ambience, but also an atmosphere that makes people feel comfortable and excited. The new FLC230 LED profile projectors from WE-EF are the perfect instruments for realising such powerful lighting effects in public spaces. The FLC230 LED profile projector is also available as a colour changer, offering infinitely variable RGBW colour mixing, as it can render almost every shade of the colour spectrum. The profile projector comprises a spherical/triple flat convex lens system for producing a parallel light beam. The FLC230 LED profile projector and the colour-changer variant are available either as a zoom-spot projector [ZP] for producing sharply defined circles of light, a frame projector [FP] for illuminating polygon surfaces or as a gobo projector [GP] for projecting gobos onto a surface. The FLC230-CC LED profile projectors also come with a DMX interface as standard. Source: weef
  2. These optical illusion Star Wars lamps will take you to a galaxy far, far away The Death Star or BB-8 could light up your room with these Star Wars LED lamps. Turned off, it’s two dimensional etched acrylic glass, but when switched on via a touch button on the base, the lamp shines with a 3D appearance. Most lamps have multiple colors: white, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, or cyan. They’re nine-inches-tall. A USB port allows the lamps to get power. ??? Helpful customer Reviews & Comments. Read honest and unbiased product reviews. But few top these awesome optical illusion lamps that illuminate 3D images of favorite characters like Darth Vader or spaceships like the Millennium Falcon. The lamps are said to have a lifespan of more than 50,000 hours. The lamps are said to be energy efficient, producing little heat, making them safe for a kid’s room or nursery. Other optical illusion LED lamp designs are also being offered online, such as superheroes, flowers, or sports-themed lamps. ? Buy Now - Free international shipping
  3. NEW DELHI: Three-fourths of light emitting diode (LED) bulbs sold in India's $1 billion market were found non-compliant with government's consumer safety standards, market research firm Nielsen said in a survey on Monday. The report, based on a study of 200 electrical retail outlets across major cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and New Delhi in July, found the products to be spurious and riskier, with the highest number of violations in the national capital. "The spurious and non-branded LED products are a serious threat to not just the organised and compliant market players but also to the government's key programs like Make in India," the report said, referring to the government's programme to set up more manufacturing units in the country. In August, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) had ordered LED makers to register their products with BIS for safety checks, in a market where smuggling of Chinese products is rampant. India is tightening quality controls for consumer and capital goods, officials say, a move that follows calls to curb cheap imports from China amid diplomatic tensions between the world's two most populous nations over their shared border. "They (spurious products) also impact government's tax revenue collections...defeat investment objectives and go against the 'ease of doing' business philosophy," it said. The findings showed that 48 percent of LED bulb brands had no mention of manufacturer's address and 31 percent did not have a manufacturer's name. Source: indiatimes
  4. Recientemente hemos incorporado a nuestro catálogo de tiras de LED un nuevo producto que era demandado por muchos de los consumidores. Hablamos de nuestra tira de LED con luz rosada ideada para su uso en mostradores de carne y carnicerías, siendo una alternativa a nuestros actuales tubos de LED para carnicería y a nuestras tiras rígidas para alimentación. ¿En qué consiste? Gracias a su tono de luz rosado, los tonos rojizos de cualquier elemento iluminado cobran una mayor intensidad de color, por lo que se han convertido en un producto de gran demanda por carnicerías y supermercados. Al instalarse en el interior de las vitrinas, las carnes rojizas aumentan su intensidad de color y, con ello, se genera una mayor atracción visual para el consumidor, potenciando así las ventas de los productos expuestos. Este modelo de tira de LED se fabrica en rollos de 5 metros de longitud, equipadas con 60 LEDs por cada metro, lo que dotan al producto de un total de 300 LEDs, tipo SMD 2835, de la prestigiosa marca Epistar. Gracias a ello, se obtiene una tira LED de altísima luminosidad, que alcanza los 1320 Lm/metro, con un consumo de 14,4W/metro (72W por cada 5 metros). Para su funcionamiento, esta tira LED para carnicería requiere de una fuente de alimentación externa (no incluida) de una potencia no inferior a 75W y funcionamiento a 24V. Si bien cada rollo de tira integra pegamento 3M en su parte trasera, para su puesta en marcha es imprescindible que la tira se instale sobre un perfil de aluminio o, en su caso, pegada directamente sobre el metal de las vitrinas. La instalación sobre madera, plástico o cualquier otro elemento generará daños en el producto, acortando su vida útil y no quedando cubierto por la garantía al tratarse de una instalación defectuosa. Corta o unir varias tiras de LED En muchos casos, 5 metros de longitud pueden resultar excesivos o cortos según el lugar donde vayan a ser instaladas. Por ello, nuestras tiras de LED disponen de zonas de corte cada 10 cm, lo que permite cortar la tira hasta la longitud deseada e instalar tan solo aquella longitud que nos sea necesaria. Por el contrario, si lo que se necesita es una tira de mayor longitud, cada tira dispone de 2 zonas de soldadura en el tramo final, lo que permitirá soldar y conectar más metros hasta obtener la longitud deseada, si bien será necesario estudiar la potencia de la/s fuente/s a instalar y los amplificadores (si fueran necesarios) con el fin de obtener un rendimiento del 100% en cada una de las tiras conectadas. Adicionalmente, existen conectores para tiras de LED que permiten unirlas entre sí en tan solo unos segundos y sin necesidad de soldaduras, si bien habrá que elegir bien el tipo de conector ya que existen diferentes modelos según el tipo de tira, tal y como mostramos en nuestro videotutorial. Original: asdeled
  5. La decoración con luces LED ya es un hecho, y tanto en los locales comerciales como en las viviendas, podemos ver como el sector de la decoración se renueva incluyendo estas bombillas en el ambiente decorativo a partir de la iluminación. La iluminación es un factor importante en el mundo decorativo del hogar y los negocios. A partir de esta, un espacio puede ser cambiado de forma total y ofreciendo efectos realmente originales. Desde hace una década, la tecnología LED ha aterrizado en universo de la iluminación ofreciendo usos muy variados a la decoración de todos los espacios. Cada día se puede ver como la iluminación principal o secundaria de cualquier espacio está presidida por luces LED, especialmente en la decoración de interiores. Como nuestros lectores ya sabrán, LED hace referencia a la tecnología eficiente de iluminación más ecológica del planeta. Las ventajas principales (y más conocidas) de las luces LED son que ahorran energía, cuentan con una resistencia mayor a los golpes, aguantan bien los apagados y encendidos continuos, no emiten calor y su vida útil es mucho más larga que las luces incandescentes o fluorescentes. Este tipo de bombillas pueden otorgar casi 100.000 horas de iluminación, increíble si se compara con las 1.000 horas que ofrecen las bombillas tradicionales, ¿no creéis?. En lo que respecta a las desventajas, son prácticamente inexistentes a día de hoy, ya que el precio de los productos LED prácticamente se ha equiparado en la gran mayoría de ellos a tecnologías más obsoletas. Además, y en el caso de aquellos productos LED de elevado coste, gracias a los ahorros obtenidos (consumo, mantenimiento, sustitución…) el plazo de amortización se reduce al máximo siendo, sin lugar a dudas, la mejor opción a día de hoy de iluminación en todos los ámbitos. Las luces LED se venden en una gran variedad de tonalidades de luz, abarcando desde los más cálidos (2500K o incluso inferior) a los más fríos (6500K o superior), aunque las más comunes a día de hoy son las denominadas como blanco neutro 4000K. También pueden adquirirse con diferentes ángulos de apertura de luz, en función del efecto que se desee sobre la estancia a iluminar. Además, su reducido tamaño consigue que se puedan ajustar fácilmente al espacio sin que sean muy vistosas. Esto se traduce en una innovación en el mercado de las luces LED, que ahora pueden comprarse con formas originales y sorprendentes para cualquier uso decorativo. Decoración con tiras LED: ahorro y funcionalidad El uso de las tiras LED ha revolucionado el consumo de energía eléctrica, ya que trabajan con niveles de potencia bajos además de disponer de las cualidades anticontaminantes y ahorrativas con las que cuenta cualquier bombilla LED. A continuación os damos algunas ideas decorativas con luces y tiras LED para ofrecer iluminación a zonas concretas del espacios que desees ornamentar. Cocina: Una buena idea es utilizar unas tiras LED para bordear la isla central en el caso de que la cocina tenga esta estructura. Las bombillas darán un toque de iluminación especial y moderno. Lo mejor es utilizar luces LED de colores (RGB) que combine bien con el mobiliario de la cocina y las paredes. Por ejemplo, en el caso de que la cocina tenga paredes blancas con adornos en marfil o dorado, se pueden usan tiras LED de color azul eléctrico. Escaleras: Otro elemento del hogar donde se pueden utilizar tiras LED es en las escaleras, instalándolas en los escalones de la casa, justo en los bordillos de los peldaños. Este acto decorativo, además de ofrecer más seguridad y visión en las horas nocturnas, también otorgan un toque de lujo y espectáculo. En este caso es mejor usar tiras LED de 24V. Muebles: Se puede destacar el mobiliario del hogar u ofrecer luz indirecta a una parte del hogar usando tiras LED en el pie de cada objeto. En el caso de que se instalen tiras LED en la base de la cama, se conseguirá un efecto decorativo precioso además de obtener luz indirecta desde abajo. Plantas: Ya sea en los maceteros del balcón, de la terraza o en el mismo jardín de casa, se pueden instalar tiras LED para realzar la belleza de las plantas con una combinación de colores que se ajuste a los tonos dela fachada de la vivienda. Eso si, en el caso de plantas de exterior, es imprescindible utilizar tiras LED con protección IP65. Comercios: En los locales comerciales es muy funcional la instalación de tiras LED para otorgar un toque de color, luz y vivacidad cuando se decoran las paredes y techos con figuras o colores variados. Una opción es utilizar mangueras LED, especialmente para crear figuras. Original: iluminaciondeled
  6. LED Backlit Poster Frame - Big Naked Wall Big Naked Wall, an online art gallery that exclusively focuses on backlit art is announcing its official launch this week with the unveiling of their “Life is a Feeling” campaign. Big Naked Wall is a provider of large, backlit, and interchangeable artwork. The backlit aspect of the artwork is new to the art industry and is currently unique to the marketplace. “We feel our product will resonate with designers and art enthusiasts alike. It invokes an emotion and feeling and at the essence that is what designers are selling; feeling. Our contemporary art concept allows for flexibility in design at a modest investment” says Raymond Wali, Creative Director at Big Naked Wall. Titled “Genesis” by Zouassi, this artwork is the same as previous. However, once the lights are dimmed, you can see the visual impact these backlit frames make on its environment. In addition to the art being backlit, it is also interchangeable. This means a new piece of artwork can be purchased without the frame and the existing image can be replaced. Big Naked Wall works with popular artists around the world to provide limited edition pieces. The frame and artwork are self-assembled on site so they are easily shipped and can accommodate larger sizes without special handling or shipping charges. “Our backlit art provides a new depth and impact that traditional canvas art does not. Our frame system is unique, in that you can easily purchase additional art and swap it out as desired. These pieces look great in commercial or residential applications, we are excited to bring this to market” adds Raymond. Titled ”Colored Spectacle” by Mark Lovejoy, this is an example of the differences shown when artwork is backlit vs non-backlit. Titled “Astronaut in Space” by Zouassi. This is another backlit art piece that showcases the deep impact that the backlighting provides on its environment. The picture below is used to show the relative contrast of when the artwork is backlit vs non-backlit. Source: dzinetrip, bignakedwall
  7. BELLAVISTA del Jardín del Norte La entrada de Bellavista del Jardín del Norte te recibe con miles de flores colgadas del techo, reminiscencia de los adornos florales por fiestas. Inmediatamente te sientes transportado al pueblo de tu familia, de tus veraneos, que ha quedado grabado en tu mente. El cliente quería crear un restaurante donde los comensales pudieran degustar una reinterpretación de las clásicas tapas de calidad en un ambiente relajado y divertido donde se sintieran como en casa. Bajo la premisa que fuera tu casa fuera de tu casa, el diseño hace referencia al día a día y al espíritu festivo de los pequeños pueblos de España y del resto del mundo, porque Todos tenemos un pueblo. El nombre de Bellavista hace referencia al enorme jardín localizado al final del restaurante, un oasis sorprendente en el Eixample barcelonés y cuya visión bautiza al restaurante como si del nombre de un pueblo se tratara. La entrada de Bellavista del Jardín del Norte te recibe con miles de flores colgadas del techo, reminiscencia de los adornos florales por fiestas. Inmediatamente te sientes transportado al pueblo de tu familia, de tus veraneos, que ha quedado grabado en tu mente. Diferentes elementos en forma de casetas te guían a través del espacio hasta llegar al enorme jardín situado al final del recorrido. Estos elementos son una abstracción de los elementos festivos de los pueblos: una calle engalanada por un techo de flores y luces que te acompañan hasta la Plaza. Así pues, con el jardín de telón de fondo, llegamos a la Plaza, el colofón final del recorrido, un espacio abierto bajo un cielo de fuegos artificiales. En la Plaza, el grand finale es la explosión de fuegos artificiales de clausura de fiesta. Se crearon ex profeso estructuras de luz en colaboración con BMLD Lighting Design compuestas por estructuras de hierro electrificadas con tiras de LED. La segunda planta tiene vistas a las dos direcciones y contiene el área más privada. Aqui se sitúan los reservados, cuatro salas de diferente tamaño separadas por unas cortinas correderas combinables según el aforo necesario. Los reservados participan del doble espacio de la planta de abajo gracias a su condición de balcón abierto reforzado por la sensación de exterior de las plantas y el mobiliario de metal. En otro lado las salas de eventos reciben la luz de la calle aunque su exposición está tamizada por los tallos de las flores de la entrada. Sus paredes forradas de papel pintado reproducen el espíritu floral del exterior asegurando a su vez el confort acústico. El resultado final remite a la sensación familiar de volver al pueblo en fiestas de tus veranos y disfrutar de la comida como en casa. Sólo que esta vez está en el centro de la ciudad. Original: elequipocreativo
  8. ledlightdesign

    UV & LED Nail Lamp - Reviews

    SUNUV is one of the top brands of uv led nail lamp with fashion design and good quality. ? https://sunuv.aliexpress.com/store/1921742 ??? Helpful customer Reviews & Comments. Read honest and unbiased product reviews.
  9. ? Excellent lighting, everything works! ? Product: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/10pcs-Indoor-PIR-Motion-Sensor-Led-Stair-Light-Infrared-Human-Body-Induction-Lamp-Recessed-Steps-Ladder/32691297603.html ? Store: Shop217887 Store
  10. Здравствуйте, нужна помощь в изготовлении светодиодных LED костюмов. Костюмы с обычной и RGB диодной лентой изготавливаю давно. Решил перейти на несколько иной уровень светового шоу, но знаний немного не хватает. Это, моё шоу https://vk.com/full_house_krsk https://vk.com/video29471486_456239110 Хочу сделать подобную красоту https://vk.com/video298709045_456239077
  11. Théâtre de Sénart, France The new Théâtre de Sénart is both a national stage and a major cultural centre for the region of Grand Paris Sud in Évry on the outskirts of the French capital. Designed by chief architect of the project Atelier d’architecture Chaix & Morel et associés, an astonishing silhouette of 10,600sqm (6,400sqm footprint) that rises 29 metres in height emerges from the retail park Carré Sénart. In plan, the building respects the square geometry of the site yet breaks out in volume through its differing heights and its diagonals. The theatre envelope adheres to the internal volumes, like a sculpted block, to give the building its identity and unity whilst revealing its constituent parts. The main forms that emerge are recognised by the space they accommodate: the large auditorium with its fly tower (29m high) alongside the simple shape of the open stage, small auditorium. Source: mondoarc
  12. Revolution Lighting Technologies Awarded Contract for LED Retrofit of Battleship New Jersey Museum & Memorial Company’s high performance Buy American Act Compliant LED tubes installed into world-renowned battleship turned museum; LED solutions improve lighting energy use by 72%. Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: RVLT) (“Revolution Lighting”), a global provider of advanced LED lighting solutions, today announced that its operating division, Tri-State LED, has been awarded a contract for the LED retrofit of The Battleship New Jersey Museum & Memorial. The retrofit includes the installation of Revolution Lighting’s high performance Buy American Act (BAA) compliant LED tubes throughout the historic battleship that will reduce lighting energy use by more than 72%. Source: rvlti
  13. New research reveals outdoor lighting makes homes more attractive to buyers LED lighting perfect for any outdoor space Around half (49%) of Europeans are more likely to purchase a home that has outdoor lighting, either at the front of the house or in the garden 76% of Spaniards are more likely to purchase a home which has outdoor lighting, versus only 36% of Britons Across Europe, 71% agree outdoor garden lighting adds to the overall atmosphere of a home. Eindhoven, The Netherlands – Philips Lighting (Euronext Amsterdam ticker: LIGHT), a global leader in lighting, has today released findings that reveal the impact outdoor lighting has on ‘curb-appeal’ or the desirability of a home. Outdoor lighting is a key consideration when buying a home for nearly half of Europeans (45%) – beating the type of windows, roof or paintwork of a house, as a consideration. While one third of all Europeans agree that outdoor lighting has a significant impact on the appeal of a home. Source: newsroom.lighting.philips
  14. VERGE LED – Light on The Verge Lighting has been a paramount necessity since time immemorial and has been outlining the ambiances around us. The environment in our workspace dictates our productivity, and it is imperative to have adequate illumination for employees to function. Workspaces and lighting solutions have been evolving since the industrial age. LEDs are making their mark already and are highly recommended for lighting workspaces. These luminaires have several advantages over the conventional lighting solutions and are becoming the choice for most lighting applications. For office use, recessed luminaires are the superior choice and provide the best functional lighting solutions. Recently one of our recessed luminaires, VERGE LED won the prestigious Red Dot Award for the product design of the year. Red Dot Award is a well-renowned international design competition where thousands of brands have competed in the past. With over 5,500+ entries from 54 countries, a jury of well-regarded 40 independent designers, professors and experts evaluated each product in the different category. We won the Red Dot Award in the Product Design category for VERGE LED. The significance of the international design competition, Red Dot Award, with its headquarter in Essen, Germany is well established internationally. For more than 60 years, an expert team has been awarding the seal of quality for superior design and innovation to the outstanding designs of the year. VERGE LED is also available in suspended version, and they can be hanged from the ceiling. Source: wiprolighting
  15. SIMPLUX™ Standalone Wireless Lighting Control System designed for small- to mid-sized spaces up to 10,000 sf and/or up to 100 nodes, is now available from Osram. Simplux allows specifiers to choose “virtually any manufacturer’s luminaire that has a 0-10V dimmable ballast or LED driver, and deliver fixture-by-fixture or full group control as needed,” according to the company. Simplux also offers an upgrade path to Polaris 3D software and the Encelium networked light management system for enterprise-level control or integration to building automation systems via BACNet. The system is ideally suited for schools, commercial offices, warehouses, and places where a wired solution is a challenge, Osram says. Simplux does not require a floor plan and can be set up with a mobile app, the company notes. Installers scan the barcodes of pre-installed hardware, group and connect them to appropriate Simplux controllers, then leverage pre-set default settings such as automated demand response, light levels and time-outs. Simplux is available to specify now and will begin shipping June 2017, Osram says. SIMPLUX Overview Video: SIMPLUX Mobile Setup App Video: For further information, see osram-americas
  16. Al Lisaili Hall Dubai is all glitz and glitters with Lumibright LED Neonflex Inspired from the heritage legacy, Dubai Municipality's Al Lisaili hall is facility for organizing wedding functions and all other events, providing main amenities for nuptials and ceremonies to be a jubilant memorable event. The hall has a capacity of 750 invitees in addition of service areas for visitors, kitchen utility, electric, sound rooms, and a bride room. The two halls in Al Lisaili are located in two neighboring buildings built for women and men separately in a total area of 3800 square meters with 165 parking slots in each. Each hall has also an area for conducting external activities associated with the bridal functions such as Ayala and wedding tent. The hall interiors and exteriors are designed to be in line with the heritage of the town in sync with the traditional values and modern development. For more information visit us on www.ledworld.ae
  17. Robert Lights ✌

    LED clothes - LED Dress Lights

    KromaKicks Are Coming Soon Light-Up Fluffies for Dancers - Motion-Reactive! Light is our paintbrush, and Apparel is our canvas. You are the artist. Find new ways to express yourself with apparel that listens to your movements, and responds in beautiful spells of light. For more info go to http://kromakicks.com/
  18. German Airports Showing Major Cost Savings with LED Lighting Systems Ground and flight operations at major airports are akin to a highly-choreographed ballet. Even with enhanced radar and electronic imaging, the operations teams that control this ballet need to have a clear view of everything happening while controlling costs to maintain the safety and profitability of their actions. New LED airport lighting technology is helping major airports to accomplish these tasks, and German airports have been among the earliest beneficiaries of the cost savings that LED lighting can offer. Source: specgradeled
  19. Correctional Facility LED Lighting Correctional facilities place a high priority on safety, security, and operational efficiency. LED lighting systems, can help meet or exceed performance standards in all three of these areas. Due to the instant-on and dimming capabilities of LED systems, new control methods are now practical and promise to allow even greater performance. Source: specgradeled
  20. LED Warehouse Lighting Modern warehouses typically cover hundreds of thousands of square feet with operations that rely on logistics that can be timed down to the second. The efficiency and profitability of warehouses can be vastly improved with lighting that gives employees the best visual acuity at all levels in a warehouse, including between shelves and down long aisles. LED lighting systems, like those produced by SpecGrade LED, are ideal solutions to provide these lighting conditions. Source: specgradeled
  21. LED Natatorium Lighting Natatoriums present some of the most unique lighting challenges of any indoor sports arena. Water surfaces reflect and refract light, making it difficult for observers and referees to watch competitive swimming events. Pool chemicals and humidity can corrode metal surfaces on light fixtures in a relatively short amount of time. Lifeguards need good lighting to maintain safety in public swimming facilities. Natatorium operators strive to keep their facilities open in the face of budget cutbacks. These challenges have come to a head and have been answered by LED natatorium lighting, including fixtures and systems produced by SpecGrade LED. Source: specgradeled
  22. Illuminating The Color Rendering Index Color is one of the most fundamental perceptions of the human experience and flavors the world around us. Of course, our perception of color is completely dependent on light, which reflects off of physical surfaces and carries information about its color and texture to our eyes. But it’s not just the physical world that determines the colors we perceive. Light itself exists in a spectrum of observable color variants that shade and paint the world we see around us every day. Much thought has been put into understanding the psychology of color and how we might use the many colors of light to creatively manipulate our world. One of the best measurements we can take to facilitate this creative control is a Color Rendering Index or CRI. Source: specgradeled
  23. LED Office Lighting Improves Employee Productivity and Happiness Most people are at least intuitively aware that bad lighting and poorly-lit spaces will adversely affect a person’s mood and productivity. Recognizing this, for many years offices and other workplaces have attempted to use a combination of natural, fluorescent, and incandescent lighting to give their employees brightly-lit environments that, at best, have a neutral effect on productivity. Employers can now transition from neutrality toward improving and enhancing employee productivity and happiness with LED lighting that projects specific colors, temperatures, and wavelengths of light. Source: specgradeled
  24. Commercial LED Lighting Continues to be the Hot Trend Referring to the growth of the commercial market as a “trend” may be a misnomer. A “trend” often refers to something that is temporarily in style. The growth and adoption of LED lighting in commercial applications, however, is anything but temporary. Industry analysts expect commercial LED lighting to be the standard for all illumination systems for many years to come. Source: specgradeled
  25. Human Centric Lighting for a healthy future Human Centric Lighting simulate daylight over the entire day - from clear, blue morning skies, right through to the glow of sunset. They achieve this by gradually changing the spectral qualities and the colour temperature as the day progresses. This helps to improve concentration and increase productivity, for instance. Scientific studies have shown that biorhythmic lighting can reduce error rates in schools by 30 % and at the same time increase pupils’ speed of performance by 30 %. Similar results have been obtained in working environments, where productivity rose by almost 20 % and staff motivation improved significantly. In nursing homes and hospitals, the new illumination systems not only encouraged more activity during the daytime, they also had a positive effect on health and clearly improved night-time sleep patterns. Source: lumitech
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