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  1. Smart Lighting Solutions

    LED Furniture Light » Acrylic Led Furniture

    LED Furniture » LED cube An interactive sound and light sculpture debut Sound Sculpture is an interactive public art installation that allows participants to create music compositions through the arrangement of large, durable light-up blocks. Using a precise positioning system, each block is mapped in real-time and lights up in musical sequence as participants position and re-position the blocks, creating collective musical and sculptural designs that will be synchronized with live musicians. Source: masarystudios
  2. In Stockholm, AF Lighting has designed a media facade that reflects the weather, and helps build the brand of a major insurance company. The head office of Swedish insurance company If sits directly above a busy motorway just north of Stockholm. It has always been an imposing building – but rather an anonymous one, with an unlit facade. ÅF Lighting was asked to do something about that. The resulting solution is characterized by a soft, welcoming light, which matches the recently updated visual guidelines of the insurance company, and its concept of being “close to the people”. For many years, the one distinguishing feature of the building was an old digital clock sitting on top of it, which also displays outside temperature, as a service to passers-by. ÅF Lighting kept this in mind when creating the lighting concept, which involves LED strips being fitted to the entire facade, with a dynamic light flowing through them like changes in the weather. The lighting scheme also reflects actual local weather conditions, enabling the public to experience the façade lit according to natural conditions such as wind, snow, rain, sun and clouds as well as the seasonal changes. The work also included to update the old clock with a new design and new media logo. Apart from conveying a message about the weather, the lighting also gives the building a lighter, more dynamic feel, and provides an aesthetic experience for car-borne commuters on an otherwise eventless motorway. ”The project has presented challenges to which we have found innovative solutions”, says lighting designer Francesco Guastella. ”As part of the creative process, we worked closely with the customer to develop mood boards, inspired by their brand message about closeness to people. Eventually we decided that nature and its changes is something that everybody can relate to. Who has not gazed into the flames of an open fire, for instance, or at the waves lapping at a shore? This is what inspired us when creating the lighting programme that now flows along the facade.” Installing the light rods proved to be the most challenging part of the project. As the façade faces a motorway, building cranes could not reach to all the necessary installation areas. Instead, climbers were hired to perform the work. ”It looked absolutely terrifying, but the results are extraordinary”, says an evidently pleased Francesco Guastella. Now commuters are met by a beautiful façade each day, reflecting the weather in that particular moment. In other words, the lighting helps communicate the If brand, and adds value to people in their everyday lives. Source: af-lighting
  3. Warm white or Cool white? Colour Temperature - With conventional lamps, choosing the “colour of light” emitted by a lamp was not a choice that was generally made. With some LED products, there is a choice of colours, choosing a colour will set the mood of your space. Correlated Colour temperature (CCT) in lighting describes how the colour of the light appears from a lamp, measured in kelvins (K). Imagine a scale from 1000K (very red) to 10,000K (very blue) (actual scale is wider). The higher up the scale you go, the closer the light resembles blue daylight. Confusingly, colour temperature does not describe the actual temperature of the lamp itself but the colour it produces and counter-intuitively; the higher the colour temperature the “cooler” a lamp will look. Put simply, colour temperature is based on how the colour of heated metal changes as its temperature is increased - turning from red to yellow then blue. You can then determine the temperature of a heated metal by its colour. This range of colours at different temperatures has become useful for describing the colour tint of white light. The colour of light from an LED lamp is approximated or “correlated” to this scale. Warm or cool? There are no rules - the choice is about personal preference and use. If you like the traditional yellowish colour of a conventional lamp then warm white around (2700-3000K ) would be the ideal choice, this is the most popular choice for homes. If you want a modern, clean look, you may prefer the cleaner, brighter feel of a cool white lamp (4000K+). Cool white light contains more blue light and looks brighter to the eye (this is why cool white bulbs have a higher lumen output when compared to the equivalent warm white bulb). It also seems people from sunnier countries tend to prefer white light compared to people from cooler countries who prefer more warm light. In commercial applications choosing the right colour temperature is important and will depend on the mood you want to create and the products you are promoting - for example freshly baked cookies and bread may look better under a warm white light. A cool white light may not make the product look as appealing but it would be a good idea to do some trials to see what works best. Where can I use them? Below are some common areas where the different colours can be used: Warm to Warm white – living room, bedroom, hallway Day White to White – kitchen, study, bathroom, cupboard, office, retail White to Cool white - Commercial, retail, art studios Allow some time to get used to any change especially if changing from warm to cool white. Source: integral-led
  4. Modern.Place

    Who know how to diy a Lighting Cube Furniture?

    I don't think you could really DIY it, because the cube is pre-molded and then it's a matter of installing a light source inside.
  5. [ $15.23 - 86.63 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/325019766.html https://aliexpress.com/item/3256992886.html Store Categories > Magnetic Track Light: https://aliexpress.com/item/Magnetic_Track_Light.html EDAY Lighting Official Store AliExpress Coupon/Code
  6. LED lighting in Qatar by Francesconi Architectural Light Francesconi Architectural Light illumina Marina Landscape, le vie che accompagnano i visitatori al rinomato Nobu Restaurant, situato all’interno del lussuoso Four Seasons Hotel di Doha in Qatar: un capolavoro architettonico a tre livelli affacciato scenograficamente sul Golfo Persico raggiungibile da un’arteria di grande viabilità che necessitava di un’illuminazione sicura, performante e di qualità. Per il prestigioso progetto di illuminazione urbana sono stati scelti gli incassi a terra EGO e MAXIEGO, apparecchi illuminotecnici per esterni con grado di resistenza IP67 e agli urti IK10. Interamente realizzati con il migliore Acciaio Inox 316L, questi prodotti sono garanzia di ottime prestazioni in ambienti ad elevata umidità e salinità tipiche delle zone costiere del Golfo Persico. Diffusore in vetro temprato, viti di chiusura in acciaio inox A4, guarnizione in silicone e controcassa in policarbonato V1 (850°) completano il quadro di una gamma di incassi a sorgenti LED dalle altissime prestazioni. Francesconi Architectural Light, che ha sede a Roncadelle in provincia di Brescia, da oltre 60 anni opera nell’ambito dell’illuminotecnica: dalla produzione di apparecchi per esterni altamente performanti alla consulenza progettuale di elevata specializzazione, l’azienda sviluppa la propria attività su una superficie di 6500 mq, di cui 2500 mq coperti. Coniugando elevata resistenza e confort visivo, know-how tecnico e qualità formale e funzionale, il team Francesconi ha donato un effetto particolarmente scenografico alle strade di questa grande città dal forte carattere cosmopolita, segnando i percorsi, esaltando i dettagli e guidando gli ospiti verso il più grande e noto ristorante del Qatar. Fonte: officebit
  7. Fahrradbeleuchtung Mit einer Schutzzone aus Licht Früher waren Fahrradrücklichter kleine rote Funzeln ohne besondere Eigenschaften. Seit einigen Jahren kommen jedoch immer bessere Lampen mit mehr Funktionen. Klapprad-Spezialist Tern hat jetzt ein Rücklicht mit 360-Grad-Schutzzone entwickelt. Die Entwicklung des Fahrradlichts ist noch lange nicht ausgereizt. Vor allem dank moderner LED- und Akkutechniken eröffnen sich viele Möglichkeiten für neue lichtstarke Leuchtkonzepte mit erweitertem Funktionsumfang. Eine Innovation kommt nun vom Klappradspezialisten Tern: Das Rücklicht Vizy Light legt eine 360-Grad-Lichtscheinschutzzone um das Fahrrad. Bei der Lampe selbst handelt es sich um einen kleinen, elegant geformten Zylinder, der sich dank einer speziellen Befestigung einfach an der Sattelstange montieren lässt. Der Clou: Die LED-Leuchte projiziert von dort aus mit einer Leuchtkraft von 60 Lumen einen kreisrunden, roten Lichtschein auf den Boden um das Fahrrad. Andere Verkehrsteilnehmer, etwa Autos, dürfte diese virtuelle Schutzzone dazu animieren, mit größerem Abstand den Radler zu überholen. Zusätzlich leuchtet das Vizy Light die Silhouette des Radfahrers aus, was eine bessere Sichtbarkeit auch aus größerer Entfernung gewährleistet. Wer will, kann zudem einen Blinkmodus einstellen, von denen das Vizy Light fünf Variationen bietet. Strom für das Rücklicht kommt aus einem integrierten Lithium-Polymer-Akku mit 1.000 mAh, der sich über einen USB-Anschluss wieder aufladen lässt.
  8. LEDs ★☆★

    Lighted Zebra Crossing • Lighting for Pedestrian Crossings

    Pavement lights guide 'smartphone zombies' Pavement lights have been installed at a pedestrian crossing in a Netherlands town to help smartphone users cross the road safely. The light strips are designed to catch the eye of people looking down at their device, and change colour to match traffic signals. It's not a difficult scenario to imagine: A group of pedestrians stand on a street corner, waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green. At least a few, if not all, are staring down at their smartphones. For whatever reason — whether scrolling through Instagram or engrossed in a game of Cooking Fever — they're not fully attuned to the traffic light ahead. A particularly oblivious walker might even step into oncoming traffic. “Smartphone zombies,” as the Verge described them, have become a real concern — and one Dutch municipality wants to stem the problem before it gets worse. Now officials in Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, about 25 miles south of Amsterdam in the western Netherlands, are piloting a program that they think may help protect such distracted pedestrians. At a handful of intersections around town, illuminated LED strips of light (called "+Lichtlijn,” or light lines) have been installed into the pavement. The “light lines” can change color and are synced with their corresponding traffic lights; as soon as the normal crossing light turns red or green, so, too, does the one in the ground. The idea, officials said, is that people on their phones are going to be staring toward their feet anyway. Why not make it more likely that they will still be able to see the traffic light in their immediate peripheral vision? “The lure of social media, games, WhatsApp and music is great, and it comes at the expense of paying attention to traffic,” town alderman Kees Oskam said in a statement. “As a government, we probably can't reverse this trend, but we can anticipate problems.” The project has attracted criticism from Veilig Verkeer Nederland (VVN), a group that advocates for road safety in the Netherlands. “What you are doing is rewarding bad behavior,” a spokesman for the group told DutchNews.nl about the light lines. Nevertheless, schools in Bodegraven-Reeuwijk that are near the test light lines are reportedly excited about the pilot program, hoping it will increase safety. HIG Traffic Systems, which developed the light lines, hopes other cities in the Netherlands will be interested in the system as well, according to Omroep West. In the United States, “distracted walking” has becoming an increasingly serious problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5,376 pedestrians were killed in the United States in 2015, up from 4,884 the year before. Nearly three-quarters of those deaths take place at “non-intersections,” while 19 percent occur at places where pedestrians are meant to be, including crosswalks and sidewalks. In 2015, for the first time, the National Safety Council included in an annual report statistics about distracted-walking incidents involving cellphones. The group found that distracted walking was responsible for more than 11,100 injuries between 2000 and 2011. The council's list of pedestrian safety tips includes such age-old advice as “Look left, right and left again before crossing the street” but also now warns never to use a cellphone or other electronic device while walking. Original: washingtonpost
  9. Professional LED Ring Light with excellent colors rendering It helps illuminate evenly and achieve desired image capturing of small objects with single lamp; Bendable bracket can be adjusted to illuminate in any direction at any angles. This light is ideal for studio photography, video studios, TV studios, public access studios, chromakeying or any situation where special lighting effect is needed. It ensures a shadow-free illumination of the motif. Designed for stand-mounting, which using a universal bracket that is compatible with all standard light stands. Product Description Color: 240 LED Color Temperature:5500K. Voltage:110V-240V. Power:55W. Size:18 inch. CRI: more than 85. It is widely applied to outdoor photo light, filling light indoors, portrait, fashion, wedding art,advertisement photography, shooting video, etc. Using a ring light is a great way to achieve that glamorous looks in your photo and video shoots. LED RIng Light is best used reasonably close up to your subject with the camera mounted in the center of the ring. The beautiful soft light glow is designed to surround the subject, filling in all shadows by pointing at the subject from every angle. The ring light also has a very unique effect as a catch light. The circular "halo" illumination will be reflected in your subject's eyes. ? Buy Now Professional LED Ring Light Free international shipping 12-20 days
  10. Aro de Luz/Ring Light - Anillo De Luz Para Fotografia un anillo de luz que iluminará tus selfies Este accesorio fotográfico es un complemento para nuestro teléfono móvil con la única función de iluminar correctamente nuestras autofotos, suavizando y minimizando las sombras. Fuente de iluminación circular para fotografía y video, especialmente indicada para el retrato. Comprar ahora € 4,72 Envío gratis (23-39 días) Comprar ahora € 4,07 Envío gratis (23-39 días) Comprar ahora € 4,44 Envío gratis (23-39 días) Comprar ahora € 9,60 Envío gratis (16-26 días) Aro de luz / ring light de para Maquillaje Es una herramienta utilizada para mejorar la iluminación de cualquier entorno, ideal para la toma de fotos y videos, debido a que potencia a gran escala la nitidez y los colores, perfecto para maquilladores (as) y/o fotógrafos en su profesión porque te da la iluminación necesaria para observar cada detalle y un excelente resultado con acabado profesional. Comprar ahora € 24,59 Envío gratis (27-43 días)
  11. 1000-Watt LED Floodlight Provides Fantastic Nighttime Video Effects Along with drone technology and the advancement of user-modified drones, another thing that has also been evolving is LED technology and the way people use it. In this four-minute video, you will see a good example of the combination of these two technologies, as Stratus Productions mounted a 1000-watt LED light to a Freefly Systems Alta 8 drone. The story of building the 1000-watt LED bar started last year, and in this video, it is attached to a drone for its first flight. As it's told in the video, with some battery modification, both the drone and the LED bar can run for about ten minutes. Taking the required power into consideration, ten minutes of running time sounds miraculous. In addition to lighting aerial videos at night, this experimental system (or builds similar to this system) can also be used for a variety of other purposes, from lighting subjects at any time of the day when shooting from the ground to aiding in search and rescue activities. If you have any LED-based custom-modification experience with drones, please share it with us in the comments below. For some gorgeous sample footage shot with this rig, skip straight to the two-minute mark in the video.
  12. Fantastic Planet Six giant illuminated humanoid figures have invaded our planet. These giants from afar will give audiences the impression that they have just landed and are quietly and gently exploring our ‘fantastic planet’. As with Parer’s globally successful public art exhibit Intrude, these forms are not randomly placed sculptures but rather can be strategically placed to give the impression that the giant humanoids have taken over an entire land or cityscape. Inspiration for this light installation has been taken from the 1973 Czech/ French film Fantastic Planet (French: La Planète sauvage). This stop motion science fiction film directed by René Laloux depicted a story set in an unimaginably distant future in a world of gargantuan humanoids and where human beings are a feral race. This view is shared by naturalist and television presenter David Attenborough, where he has stated that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources. “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our growth or the natural world will do it for us,” he told the BBC Radio Times.
  13. INTERACTIVE PEOPLE Pour cette deuxième édition du Festival Porlwi by Light, à l’Île Maurice, AC3 Studio propose un parcours visuel, sonore et interactif sous forme d'expériences collectives où la technologie s'efface au profit des relations humaines. Nous tenons à remercier et à féliciter toute l'équipe du Festival pour l'énergie et le professionnalisme déployés sans faille dans la mise en oeuvre de cet événement ambitieux.
  14. فلاش خارجي للجوالات - حلقة سيلفي مع اضاءة LED يزيد من جمال الصورة ??❤ حلقة مزودة باضاءة فلاش LED متنقلة لالتقاط الصور الشخصية. صور واضحة في اي وقت ? Top-10 حلقة سيلفي - LED Ring Light اشتري الآن US $ 3.90 - 13.88 شحن مجاني (22-35 days)
  15. Theodor Fliedner High School, Dusseldorf Theodor Fliedner High School, Dusseldorf Architect: Dipl. Ing. Arch. Claudia Gehse Lighting design: Dipl. Ing. Arch. Claudia Gehse und Ingenieurbüro Thomas, Siegburg Product: XOOMINAIRE™ 4262 Customer: Evangelical Church in the Rhineland Location: Dusseldorf, Germany The beginning has been made and everything is finished in time for the start of the new school year: seven classrooms of the Theodor Fliedner High School in Dusseldorf are already equipped with the new LED luminaires of LED Linear™. With the linear luminaire XOOMINAIRE™ seven classrooms are shining in a new light. The three light lines in the ceiling provide a bright and even illumination of the horizontal and vertical surfaces – the basis for optimal viewing and learning conditions. The effect that light has on humans is indisputable and so the quality of lighting is getting more and more important. The right light in schools contributes to many points, which previously got less attention in lighting design: learning ability, concentration, health. Students at Theodor Fliedner High School are now learning under better conditions: the light does not flicker, the illuminance on the tables is properly tuned and the lighting is absolutely evenly through the opal cover. A pleasant atmosphere for learning. The mounted luminaire is the XOOMINAIRE™ 4262. With a luminous flux of 2,200 lumens per meter and the light color 4,000 K it is ideal for lighting in classrooms. For integration into the architecture of the ceiling a suitable solution was developed together with the customer. The luminaires were manufactured in customized lengths and delivered with special mounting brackets. The installed luminaires are flush with the ceiling beam and run elegantly between the white ceiling panels, giving the impression of a modern ceiling grid. The white ceiling panels are additionally reflecting light and make the room appear brighter. Through this interaction between architecture and lighting design, the classrooms are enhanced and there is a welcoming and open atmosphere. The lighting renovation was urgently needed: the durability of the old system with T8 fluorescent tubes was exhausted, the technology was outdated and the demands of lighting in classrooms were no longer met. It is no longer enough that the illumination only provides light – just as important are quality of light, cost efficiency and environmental performance. The choice fell on the linear luminaire XOOMINAIRE™ made by LED Linear™. Compared to luminaires with T8 fluorescent lamps it has greater efficiency, offers a far better, absolutely homogeneous light and has, thanks to LED technology, a much longer lifetime. This reduces the energy consumption and lowers operating costs. Another factor when it comes to environmental performance are also the components from which the luminaires are made: in comparison to the "old T8", no harmful substances such as mercury, gases etc. are processed and used in the new luminaire. For additional information, please visit www.led-linear.com
  16. KOVR – Wall and Ceiling Integrated Lighting ‘HYDE’ by KOVR: A Smooth Combination of Decor Elements and Lighting Designed by Danny Venlet for KOVR, ‘HYDE’ high-quality panels are a reworked concept of conventional luminaries into an “all-in-one solution”: a seamlessly integrated LED lighting system into printed architectural surfaces. The HYDE range comes in distinctive natural decors. The remote control and mobile application complete the unique user experience. The system adapts harmoniously to any mood with its easily controllable light intensity. Hyde – Fully Customizable HYDE is not just another off-the-shelf product: the system can be perfectly tailored to any part of it’s features. The customer defines the panel size, the KOVR team digitally prints any desired decor onto the surface and programs a specific lighting scheme into it. Easy Mounting and Wireless Control Designed and assembled in Belgium, the system comes with high luminary efficiency, a long lifespan and color fastness over time. The complete lighting system is mounted inside the panels, that have a thickness of only 12mm. The assembly or dismounting can easily be done by (dis)connecting the panels from the tongue and groove system. Finally, it is linked to a personalized mobile application. The application makes control possible from any device with browser or via the mobile app. DOWNLOADS HYDE Folder PDF Source: kovr, designregio-kortrijk, lighting-inspiration
  17. Ring Light tilbyder en unik belysning, der er uopnåelig gennem traditionelle lysarmaturer. Ringlight - foto, video og beauty lys! Perfekt resultat til dine makeupbilleder, youtube videoer eller produktbilleder. Professionelt lys til dine foto & videooptagelser. giver ring lyset dig mulighed for at skyde gennem midten af lyskilden, for at opnå en blød og ensartet kvalitet af lys. Ideel til både foto og video, denne energi effektive lampe vil garantere imponere hver gang. This lamp is the perfect tool for close-up photography, portrait photography, macro photography and videography. Køb nu EUR 4,72 Gratis levering (30-49 dage) Køb nu EUR 4,14 Gratis levering (30-50 dage) Køb nu EUR 4,43 Gratis levering (30-49 dage) Køb nu EUR 9,56 Gratis levering (23-41 dage) The best Ring lys mobil Køb nu EUR 24,56 Gratis levering (23-41 dage)
  18. Al Lisaili Hall Dubai is all glitz and glitters with Lumibright LED Neonflex Inspired from the heritage legacy, Dubai Municipality's Al Lisaili hall is facility for organizing wedding functions and all other events, providing main amenities for nuptials and ceremonies to be a jubilant memorable event. The hall has a capacity of 750 invitees in addition of service areas for visitors, kitchen utility, electric, sound rooms, and a bride room. The two halls in Al Lisaili are located in two neighboring buildings built for women and men separately in a total area of 3800 square meters with 165 parking slots in each. Each hall has also an area for conducting external activities associated with the bridal functions such as Ayala and wedding tent. The hall interiors and exteriors are designed to be in line with the heritage of the town in sync with the traditional values and modern development. For more information visit us on www.ledworld.ae
  19. Human Centric Lighting for a healthy future Human Centric Lighting simulate daylight over the entire day - from clear, blue morning skies, right through to the glow of sunset. They achieve this by gradually changing the spectral qualities and the colour temperature as the day progresses. This helps to improve concentration and increase productivity, for instance. Scientific studies have shown that biorhythmic lighting can reduce error rates in schools by 30 % and at the same time increase pupils’ speed of performance by 30 %. Similar results have been obtained in working environments, where productivity rose by almost 20 % and staff motivation improved significantly. In nursing homes and hospitals, the new illumination systems not only encouraged more activity during the daytime, they also had a positive effect on health and clearly improved night-time sleep patterns. Source: lumitech
  20. Dimmable LED Ring Light 12", 18” 2 in 1 Smartphone Adapter Bracket (fits nearly all tablets and smartphones incl iphones/ipad Android phones, Heavy Duty Ball Pivot mount to attach your expensive DSLR or Digital Cameras Removable Orange and Frost Filters for adjusting color temperature Bluetooth Shutter Remote for touchless selfies Ring lights provide uniform light coming straight from the camera’s point of view, which is great for even light, and helps eliminate shadows. It's perfect because it creates a wonderful highlight on the skin and allows the shadows to fall away from the camera. Dimmable LED Ring Lighting Kit created specifically for shooting Social Media Photos and Youtube Videos. Everything you need to shoot AMAZING photos and videos in one kit! Just add your own smartphone or camera! Dimmable ring light kit was designed to help you take the best possible photos or videos by providing the best lighting possible, whether you are taking self portraits and uploading them to Instagram, Facebook, creating Youtube video tutorials, or creating amazing photos to get the best dates on Tinder. This is all you need in one simplified kit. Dimmable ring light kit creates the almost perfect shadowless lighting around your face giving it a halo effect perfect for makeup artists giving a near flawless look, while the long lasting LED bulbs are cool to the touch so you can keep your cool under the bright lights, with no annoying humming or flickering common with fluorescent bulbs. iPhone/Smartphone Ring light Kit is excellent for taking Professional Hands Free Photos & Videos for: Facebook Live Youtube tutorials Instagram Stories Professional Photography & Video Periscope Conference Calls Marketing yourself on Social Media Vines FaceTime Skype Calls You can finally get the Professional lighting ??? Buy Now $153.99 Free international shipping 12-20 days (LED Ring Light 18" Kit with Tripod Light Stand) Buy Now $109.99 Free international shipping UPS 5-8 days (LED Ring Light 12") Buy Now $15.99 Free international shipping 12-20 days (Mini 18'' Table Top Light Stand) Buy Now $19.95 Free international shipping 12-20 days (Microphone)
  21. Anello LED Luce Fotografia Illuminazione LED Flash Selfie luce Ring fotocamera foto video youtube luce lampada Anello LED luce per tutti i cellulari e tablet per rendere migliore foto e video, anche in ambienti poco illuminati. Questo anello di luce sostituisce o integra un ulteriore luce per foto e video eccellente. Speciale anello di luce angolo con funzione Schöner US pupilla. Temperatura colore 4200 K 4800 K, meglio il colore più appropriato quando registri viso per contorni del viso. Uso scenario: autoritratto a notte, KTV, club, Live Show, da concerto ecc. Si adatta a tutti i telefoni cellulari, la luce deve solo tempo e al vostro cellulare. Raffinato, luce da idonei. 3 regolabile heiligkeiten consentono alle diverse situazioni, 2 ore di tempo di lavoro permette sparare oltre 500 foto. Dopo 30 minuti nel sistema operativo che si pone automaticamente in, è necessario per l' uso prolungato poi utilizzarlo. Acquista ora € 8,80 Spedizione gratuita (29-42 giorni) Acquista ora € 4,75 - 6,64 Spedizione gratuita (29-42 giorni) Acquista ora € 4,46 Spedizione gratuita (44-59 giorni) Acquista ora € 9,65 Spedizione gratuita (33-49 giorni) Anello LED luce, Lampada Ring per selfie Semplicemente montare questo anello luce flessibile a clip sullo smartphone e schiacciare il pulsante per ottenere l'illuminazione supplementare. La superficie è morbida e comoda lavorata in vernice elastica, la quale aiuta a ridurre l'attrito potenziale tra la clip e il cellulare. Adotta 3 livelli di luminosità per adattare alle richieste differenti di illuminazione. Acquista ora € 24,72 Spedizione gratuita (33-49 giorni)
  22. Jamie A.

    Project Green Light

    115 Batman Street, Melbourne, Australia The Base Building solution for 115 Batman Street was designed to meet with the Green Star requirements of the project. The overall building design utilizes an integrated design ideology, taking significant advantage of the available daylight via both the high and extensive glazing. Window screening is used to provide amelioration of direct sunlight where necessary and the lighting control system that manages the lighting throughout the tenancy is linked to photo electric cells to dim the luminaires in relation to the available daylight. Motion sensors are also provided throughout to manage the lighting after hours by activating the lighting in areas of movement. The fitout orientated spaces including the main reception, meeting rooms were designed with large luminous grids of pendants while the staff breakout space was designed to be deliberately different with custom pendants that feature panoramic photo montages of the Royal Botanical Gardens. Source: ndylight
  23. intu Victoria Centre, Nottingham » Retail Lighting Design The £40 million re-model and refresh of intu Victoria Centre, Nottingham has transformed the Centre’s tired appearance, creating a vibrant and bold retail interior. Optelma worked with lighting designers Hoare Lea Lighting to design and develop large, bespoke feature pendants that would work with the scale of the central mall. Suspended in the skylight bays, these elegant two-metre-high moulded ‘Conico’ pendants are key elements, which visually separate the retail spaces from the food and beverage courts, while softening the overall impression. The custom-built pendants feature RGBW LEDs which enable a dynamic, yet subtle, uniform colour-change to take place throughout the day. This mirrors the colour-change within the walkways, thereby ensuring a co-ordinated visual appearance. Each Conico pendant has a 3000lm Xicato downlight built into the base, providing general illumination beneath as well as a platform for the emergency lighting. Martin Breeden Development Director of intu commented: ‘The refurbishment of intu Victoria Centre has enhanced the centre’s look and feel throughout, and the lighting design has really complemented this, helping us to achieve a modern and welcoming environment.' Refresh of intu Victoria Centre in Nottingham included a full upgrade, with the aim of transforming the Centre’s tired appearance and creating a fresh, exciting interior, while introducing a lit personality to the façade. In addition, the project delivered a prominent new southern entrance and a two-level catering cluster centred on the Grade II listed clock tower. Hoare Lea Lighting was appointed by intu to design a new lighting scheme for intu Victoria Centre. To give the interior a fresh dynamism, many of the finishes were taken back to the primary structure before new layers were applied. The remodelling has allowed the daylight function to be enhanced and for the integration of energy-efficient artificial lighting. This has enabled the creation of a softly lit environment, in which strong visual architecture is supported by lighting. Linear forms characterise the architectural enhancements and this language is echoed in the lighting design. Indirect linear lighting to the soffit provides ambient light (from ACDC’s Orelle) in a fresh 4000K white light. This contrasts with the warmer, more relaxing treatment of 3000K within the food and beverage courts. Here, linear ‘tramlines’ of light, from KKDC’s Lini Glow XL, run across the ceiling, their architectural forms spilling into the main malls, adding an exuberant feel and giving a playful visual lead from one space to the next. Hidden sources and integrated lighting combine with white light and RGB colour-change for a clean, dynamic feel. On the walkways, soft washes from hidden lines-of-light are punctuated by pools of light created by spotlights and downlights from Lumenpulse/ AlphaLED and iGuzzini. Peripheral coves running parallel with the walkways are washed with a hidden RGBW linear product (Traxon’s 1PXL Cove Light), which allows for a subtle, slow, uniform colour-change throughout the day. This colour change is mirrored by RGBW feature pendants in the central mall, thereby ensuring a co-ordinated visual appearance. Suspended in the skylight bays, the ‘Conico’ pendants, custom-built by Optelma, are key visual features which work to visually separate the main retail mall spaces from the food and beverage courts, while softening the overall impression of the malls. Commenting on the design, Chris Fox, Senior Lighting Designer, Hoare Lea said: ‘The approach we took was that of ‘lighting through layers’ – combining direct and indirect sources to build a visual scene with various options. Control allows dimming of groups of luminaires to create scenes and for the switching between pre-programed scenes throughout the day. ‘ The exterior of the Centre has been transformed, with the dated 1970s brutalist concrete facade now clad in a clean, contemporary finish. As night falls, the back-lit cladding comes alive with light and colour. White light follows the building’s form, washing each panel in a neutral 4000K, supplied by Osram’s LINEARLight Power Flex. The cladding surrounding the main entrance has a linear wash. DMX feeds give control over each panel and, using a bespoke RGB lensed product from NJO Technology, turn the entrance into an eye-catching media façade. The Clock Tower, an icon on the Nottingham cityscape, has been given a traditional uplight treatment, which complements the architecture, while contrasting with the new backlit entrance cladding and glazed entrance. Ground-recessed uplights, from Bega, illuminate the red brickwork in 3000K, while spotlights (ACDC’s Plaza) pick out the higher levels and the clock face. Martin Breeden Development Director of intu commented: ‘The £40m refurbishment of intu Victoria Centre has enhanced the centre’s look and feel throughout, and the lighting design has really complemented this, helping us to achieve a modern and welcoming environment.’ Source: optelma, retaildesignblog, hoarelealighting
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