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  1. [ $6.66 - 33.40 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/2255799958917518.html BTF-LIGHTING Official Store AliExpress Coupon/Code [ $3.86 - 25.71 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/2255800376904843.html nicelux Official Store AliExpress Coupon/Code [ $6.15 - 11.75 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/325680159726440.html nicelux Official Store AliExpress Coupon/Code [ $4.99 - 7.49 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/3256803111462569.html Thmoother Lighting Store AliExpress Coupon/Code [ $3.99 - 6.49 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/325603107048112.html Thmoother Lighting Store AliExpress Coupon/Code [ $11.88 - 12.10 ] PRODUCT [Click&Buy]: https://aliexpress.com/item/2251832440307164.html HoneyFly Lightup Store AliExpress Coupon/Code
  2. Bendable LED Profiles Lumipro profiles allow designers to bend, twist, and curve the streaks of lights for re-shaping the profiles to create amazing lighting designs. The flexibility of bendable aluminum profiles allows for varied designs such as circular, semi-circular, hexagonal, octagonal, triangular, rectangular, and star-shaped and many more unimaginable fascinating shapes of lights. The mix and match of bandwagons of lights provide you the flexibility to craft your own style statement. Each pattern is so vivid and rare, eye-catchy and a piece of mesmerizing art that stands out from clutter for a noticeable effect. And with combination designs, it definitely enables to make your space elegant and energy-efficient. The lights emitted from the resistant LED profiles blends harmoniously into the walls or ceiling structures. Deepen your perception of space and transform interiors with the seduction of light. With formation of unique shapes and silhouettes, it gives new life to architecture. Light pours from the profiles and falls on surfaces like a waterfall, making the surrounding environment soft and all-enveloping. The semi-recessed version enhances the magic of this fixture by hiding the source of light. Enjoy the amazing mix/match jigsaw with LED profiles. You can customize almost infinite lighting patterns as wild as your imagination permits or limits! Unique and contemporary in design, the slim linear luminaires seamlessly integrate into interior design to enhance architecture. With a floating weightless appearance, their strong visual appeal is aptly suited for commercial offices, stylish villas, supermarkets, department stores, museums, theatres, educational institutes, recreational areas, metro/bus stations and various public places. More information: lumibright
  3. Colorspace is an interactive sculpture that translates text messages into breathtaking animations of colored light. Boston Properties commissioned us to create the artwork for the mezzanine of their iconic Boston skyscraper at 200 Clarendon Street. As tenants enter the space, they pass a long marble wall of suspended light pendants. Anybody with a mobile device can send a text message to the number printed on the wall. The sculpture replies with a sparkling wash of light that sweeps across the wall, illuminating the space with new colors. Each color palette is unique. ‘Beach’ lights up the space with blues and yellows. ‘Watermelon’ gives you shades of pink and green. ‘Disco’ makes the sculpture sparkle with hot pinks and purples. Colorspace perpetually evolves through an ongoing conversation with the community around it. It gives tenants ownership of their shared space and provides a playful, surprising moment as they enter and exit the building every day. It transforms the lobby into a dynamic, participatory space. More information: sosolimited
  4. Versatile modular lines of captivating linear light This ground-breaking modular lighting system is designed for creating unimaginable light architectures to make the environment marginal yet indispensable. The brand new ultra-lightweight linear profiles are versatile enough to meet any design needs guaranteeing extraordinary visual light comfort for every application beyond ordinary imagination. With an innovative, sleek, clear body design, profile linear lighting spread soft indirect light emissions over walls or ceiling or floor from flat surfaces creating paths of light with perfect uniformity and unlimited lengths. LED aluminum profiles are available in variety of depth and length according to clients need to blend into every lighting project and can be fitted in either single module formats or joint-free long continuous rows of uninterrupted lines of light. The Flexible version of LED aluminum extrusion that are re-shapeable ideally suit curved lighting applications making the lighting design overwhelmingly captivating. They also come in varied colors of LED with regulated intensity of lights and dimming capabilities. Minimalism, modularity and ease of installation characterize the LED profiles that are extremely easy to install, transforming any space with class and refinement. Being a perfect fusion of performance, flexibility and sparkling nominal design, all in a single product the LED Profiles ensure optimal performance, endurance and low energy demand. The soft glare-free bi-directional light protruding from the light-weight linear profiles achieve amazing aesthetical incredible efficacy, which allow designers the freedom to use this application even in the most demanding and hard to reach areas. The product can be mounted individually, or in long continuous lines as a suspended pendant luminaire, or directly to the surface of a wall or ceiling, and as recessed mounted using the frames, even on staircases, handrails or furniture such as shelves ends, showcases, wardrobes, jewelry racks etc. They are perfectly suited for residences, commercial offices, Retail outlets & showrooms, auditoriums, supermarkets, educational institutes, service & hospitality sectors, much more... More information here: lumibright
  5. GLOW 2017 | The Origin A temporary light installation during the international lighjt festival GLOW 2017 in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) The installation is a configuration of suspended LED lines creating an anamorphosis of a star; the origin of our universe. The lines are suspended on a spacing of 25m between the individual LED lines.
  6. HarmonicPortal Preview, Lumiere Durham 2017 Harmonic Portal is a new work commissioned for Lumiere Festival Durham, 2017 http://www.lumiere-festival.com/durham-2017/ There are 5 pieces arranged around the walls of St Godrics Church, Castle Chare, Durham, each is a portal into the surface of the wall, the light amplifies surface details due to the angle of incidence and feels like a magnifying glass (or even an electron microscope at times.). They question how we perceive colour, the inside and outside contrast and harmonise as time progresses, while this is mirrored by the generative sound track which reflects the colours, the frequencies of red, green and blue light have been dropped by 42 octaves and vary in proportion to those colours of light. It is partially contemplating how our brains create colour from 3 frequencies, but also how limited a bandwidth that actually is, the fundamental notes are a flattened Ab, A and B.
  7. OMOTESANDO HILLS CHRISTMAS 2017 Omotesando Hills, a shopping complex in central Tokyo, has entered a new stage in its 11th year, with an aspiration to create and transmit "culture". To materialize this vision, Omotesando Hills has collaborated with Emmanuelle to bring fusion of Illumination and "Art" into the mall for the Christmas season. Emmanuelle’s first illumination has become a fantastical space filled with gentle and warm lights created by her 100 colors. The illumination "Christmas Forest in 100 colors" was inspired from the scenery of layers of trees lining up along the main boulevard in Omotesando, in which this scenery was recaptured into the void of the large stairway of Omotesando Hills. 1500 mini trees in 100 different colors filled the whole void in 13.4m high, and the "Forest of Colors" spread overwhelmingly. Each mini tree wrap the light bulb in colored papers, like a lantern, to make 100 colors themselves to emit a soft and gentle light. Inside this colorful forest, the main tree is located at the center of the large stairway with a height of 7m, which is formed by a collection of mini trees that light up in white during the open hours. From each level, different views of the illumination are captured, to encourage visitors to walk up and down the slope naturally to make the most of the main characteristic of this building, the slope. Santa Claus and reindeers that appears inside the main tree are hidden in the forest, add playfulness to the illumination for the visitors to search around. At the special show "Emotional Reflection" held every 30 minutes, the main tree changes its colors from white, yellow, pink, green, blue and to rainbow, with other mini trees lighting up rhythmically with the music specially composed for this occasion. Colors, music, and light resonate and respond to each others, inviting visitors into the warm and magical Christmas. Source: lednews.lighting
  8. Rongwen and Silver Spring Networks Connect Smart Lighting in China’s Third Largest City Delivers One of China’s Major Smart City Projects Using Standards-Based RF Mesh and IPv6 Technology in Guangzhou to Help Reduce Energy Consumption; Announce New Joint Integrated Lighting Controller to Drive Further Momentum in China. Guangdong Rongwen Energy Technology Group (Rongwen) and Silver Spring Networks, Inc. (NYSE: SSNI) announced their selection to connect smart LED street lights in Guangzhou, China. Through its go-to-market partnership with Rongwen, one of the largest smart LED street light providers and operators in China, Silver Spring is planning to network more than 30,000 LED street lights in Guangzhou. According to Rongwen, its efficient and patented LED street lights and outdoor lighting controls, combined with Silver Spring’s StreetLight.Vision (SLV) Central Management System (CMS), will increase the city’s energy savings by more than 70%. The project is China’s first smart city project using Silver Spring’s secure, reliable, IPv6 platform and Wi- SUN® standards-based mesh technology, built on the IEEE 802.15.4g specification. For further information, see www.silverspringnet.com
  9. Paul Carpio

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    RDV - TETRA - Installation “TETRA” is a light installation composed of LED bars with an original soundtrack for a unique visual and sound experience. The installation of the RDV collective enhances the space invested by its tetrahedron shape.
  10. KONSTELLAATIO at LUX HELSINKI 2018 The installation was inspired by the album Konstellaatio by the late Finnish musician Mika Vainio. Vainio’s sounds have inspired digital artists like László Bordos all over the world. Bordos and the organizers of the Lux Helsinki festival are dedicating this art project to the memory of Mika Vainio. Using dozens of controllable lights and stroboscopes, the artist created a light sculpture using a combination of real lights and virtual lights (projection).
  11. LED lights are absolutely important these days for households and commercial places. A place like stadium or auditorium needs proper lighting arrangements. If there is no proper lighting, you shall find that a lot of problems would occur in conducting sporting events or conferences or cultural programs on the stadium. Moreover, in this era of modernization, every stadium needs to be renovated so that they give more safety as well as comfort to the spectators. This will help increasing revenue collection of the stadium. This is why you need 400w LED flood light for the stadium. The advantage of using LED lights shall be discussed in the following section of this article. 1. Environment Friendly Lighting Solution LED lights give environment friendliness, as it consumes lesser power or electricity. Basically, the mechanism of illumination of LED lights is completely different from the mechanism of traditional lighting systems. Florescent lights get heated up after certain time and they start consuming more and more power. Nevertheless, they release heat which can cause damages to the environment, contributing significant amount of heat to the global warming. To protect environment, it is better to adopt LED lights in place of the traditional lights. LED lights work more seamlessly and they prevent wastage of energy. 2. High End Efficiency and Durability Since LED lights do not get heated up, some people think that they would not offer the best illumination. In reality, you shall get perfect illuminating effects from LED lights. These lights are made to serve users for a long time. Durability is a factor that makes LED lights so popular these days. Once installed, the LED lights can serve you for at least 20 years without any significant maintenance cost. On the other hand, orthodox fluorescent lights last around 5-10 years maximum. 3. Colorful Lighting Solutions Arranging colorful LED lighting solution is quite a cost-effective thing. Stadiums often need to hold inaugural ceremonies for various sporting events or tournaments. For this purpose, colorful lighting will be required. That can be attained with the stylish as well as contemporary colorful LED lights. For colorful lighting, no additional cost is required. This is one of the biggest advantages of LED lighting. 4. Heavy-duty Illumination With LED lighting solutions, you shall get heavy-duty illuminating solutions. You can opt for 1000 Watt LED light which shall give excellent lighting solution for the stadium without any hassles. Lights would not get warm even after being illuminated for long time. One can easily keep LED lights illuminated for 10 hours to 12 hours for the purpose of stadium flood lighting. 5. Amazing Cost-effectiveness The best thing about LED lights is that they are highly cost-effective. You can save your money by opting for LED lighting solutions. Stadiums need heavy duty lighting solutions and thus the stadium authority has to pay high electricity consumption bills. With LED lights, initial investment would be high, but cost-effective on the long run can be attained. It will lower down power consumption and thus would make your monthly bills reasonable. LED lights would also last long without any maintenance requirements.
  12. The Effect Of Coloured Light On The Human Body Artists and interior architects have long understood that colours can affect our feelings, emotions and mood. This is why the rooms in a hospital are often green – green calms and reduces stress. Other colours such as red, orange, yellow, blue, etc., have a different effect on the body. Chromotherapy, a.k.a. colour therapy studies these effects. Chromotherapy or colour therapy is based on the premise that colours and light can be used to correct physical ailments. Depending on the location and nature of the ailment a specific colour may ease it. One of the first scientists to consider the effect of colours was August Pleasonton. In 1876 he published ‘The Influence of the Blue Ray of Sunlight and of the Blue Color of the Sky’ in which he studied how blue can stimulate the growth of plants and cattle. He also mentioned that this colour can help make the human body better. This book introduced chromotherapy into modern medicine. Colour therapy should not be confused with light therapy. In light therapy a person is exposed to a bright white light over a certain time. Light therapy is often used to treat skin diseases (more specifically psoriasis), sleep disorders and certain psychic problems. Colours and their meaning Studies have shown that people are able to distinguish approximately 10 million colours. These colours can be broken down into three primary colours: yellow, red and blue. Usually in chromotherapy, the secondary colours are added, more specifically orange, purple and green. Each of these colours has a certain meaning: Red – The libido booster Red is a warm colour linked to the kidneys, backbone and sense of smell. This colour gives more energy and is ideal for people who are often over-tired. Active people can use red light therapy to combat muscle and joint stiffness. And finally it also boosts sexual desires. Yellow – The depression killer People with a difficult digestion can treat this with yellow light. This colour is associated with the stomach, liver and intestines. People with a depression could also benefit from yellow colour therapy. Blue – The bringer of peace Blue is the counterpart of red. It can be used to lower high blood pressure or calm people down. Blue light can also help in the treatment of migraine. Your throat, ears and mouth are linked to this colour. Green – The strength provider Green is the colour of nature. Green light therapy stimulates the creation of growth hormones and strengthens muscles, bones and other tissues. It can also boost your body’s immune system. Purple – The Nightcap Purple light can help you fall asleep. It also reduces emotional and mental stress. The nervous system and eyes are linked with this secondary colour. Contrary to red light, purple light decreases sexual desires. Orange – The creativity source Does your job demand a lot of creativity? Then orange can help. Orange stimulates the creative thought process and helps you come up with new ideas. This colour is linked to breathing. Breastfeeding women could benefit from orange light because it stimulates the production of breast milk. Coloured lighting cannot only create a certain atmosphere, it also affects our body. Source: dmlights
  13. Firestone Walker Brewing Company is a craft brewery based in Paso Robles, California. The brewery has experienced significant success, gaining recognition with a number of international awards for its beers. And it now operates three facilities – the others located in Buellton and Venice. In fact the brewery’s growth has required the addition of a new 10,000 sq. ft. brew house at its Paso Robles headquarters in order to meet the steep increase in demand for its products. Harris Architecture was mandated to design the new space with the goal of increasing production capacity. As well as being a fully functional brewery, the Paso Robles location also offers tours to visitors, and after an 8-month construction period, the new addition was opened to the public in May, 2017. “The whole space has a turn of the century iron works style,” said Kyle Harris, who led the project for Harris Architecture. “There is a lot of galvanized metal and exposed bolts combined with tiling and concrete floors. It’s retro with a tech edge.” The team from Harris worked closely with the Firestone Walker founders to ensure that every element of the new space was on point from a design and usability perspective. Everyone involved in the project was very conscious of choosing the right pieces to present the facility as the iconic, signature location in the Firestone Walker family of facilities. Lighting the space was an important piece of the design. The lighting had to be functional as well as fitting aesthetically with the design intent of the space. In collaboration with Prudential Lighting Products, the Harris team identified Luminis products as the perfect solution. Luminis’ Torx and Aramis products were chosen. Twelve Torx TR2450 pendants were selected to illuminate the brew deck. The Torx TR2450 products are decorative and functional ceiling pendants with a frosted acrylic refractor and an LED light source. Delivering more than 12,000 lumens per product, the pendants are ideal for areas where efficiency, reliability and aesthetics are important. To carry the aesthetic throughout the facility, two more Torx TR2450 pendants have been included in the visitor center. Four Aramis AR148 pendants were used for additional illumination, while thirteen wall-mounted Aramis AR148 luminaires are positioned around the perimeter of the room. Most of the Aramis AR148 wall mounted sconces are in pairs – one as an uplight, and one as a downlight in each pair – providing a striking accent. The 6” cylindrical luminaires have an LED light source and deliver 2,050 lumens. “Functionality and performance were key requirements in the lighting product selection,” said Harris. “The Torx and Aramis products from Luminis not only delivered on those requirements but also perfectly fit the industrial aesthetic in the rest of the building.” Outside of the building, Harris chose Luminis’ Syrios SY602 products, complete with LED light source and unique integral tilting mechanism for precise directional aiming. Used primarily to illuminate the Firestone Walker signage and accent the curved roof, the products really catch the eye. Finally, Eclipse Mini EC612 products illuminate the exterior of the main entrance providing the complete lighting experience from outside to inside – a testament to the wide array of interior and exterior products offered by Luminis. The Eclipse Mini EC612 models, durable and designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, are mounted to the wall either side of the front door and on the columns supporting the covered entry. All of the interior lighting is on a dimming channel, enabling adjustment depending on the time of day. During the night, brew house lighting is turned up to deliver 100 foot candles of light at floor level to assist with nightly cleaning. In the daytime, the lighting is scaled back to deliver 45-55 foot candles at floor level for standard use. “We did extensive calculations and modelling to make sure the lighting would be at the right level, and that we got the light in the places it was needed,” said Harris. “Inside the brew house the lighting hits the metal and the stainless steel brew tanks, and the results are striking.” The reaction of the client has also been positive. Firestone Walker Co-Founder David Walker said: “The lighting is industrial, beautiful and functional; not an easy combination to achieve when lighting a modern brew house – it is elegantly done.” Source: luminis
  14. 20,000 LEDs light up ACU's quad Abilene Christian University’s new Lightwalk combines art and science to create a unique and interactive space on campus. College quads are usually reserved for tossing frisbees and studying but often go unused, especially at night. Abilene Christian University (ACU) wanted to illuminate the McGlothlin quad and create a new way of engaging with the university community by combining science, technology, and art. Dubbed Lightwalk, their innovative solution is an outdoor light installation that provides students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a unique gathering space throughout the day and night. According to Brent Reeves, ACU Associate Professor of Management Science and Computer Science, “The thing that excites me the most about this is the integration of hardware and software and art.” Built in partnership with interactive agency Viget, Lightwalk invites both physical and digital interaction of special light reeds through sensing, internet-connected hardware, a mobile web app, and a hackable back end program for students to experiment. Lightwalk development began after a grant in honor of the McGlothlin family asking for an art installation on the quad that would complement the nearby Onstead Science Center. Led by faculty, students, and the ACU MakerLab, the aim was to create an interactive exhibit and accompanying hackable software to take advantage of the latest in "Internet of Things" technology. Viget helped ACU develop the hardware components, including the 35 master nodes, 350 light reeds, 20,000 smart LEDs, 32 infrared sensors, and 3 temperature sensors that power the installation, as well as the software applications and firmware upon which all interactions and displays are driven. The strangely organic-looking and encompassing Lightwalk is already attracting students as an interesting meeting place. Computer science students are able to code, test, and send their own light effects. Others in the ACU community can control the installation through their mobile devices, determining the pattern, color, and level of physical interaction. More info at viget.com/work/lightwalk
  15. NORWEGIAN NIGHTS Dockside dining, dim sum and DJs are all on the menu at Hakkasan’s new Nordic venture. Housed in a quirky building with plenty of daylight, it took careful collaboration with the interior designer to make their concept a reality. The result? A lighting scheme that enhances the Ling Ling experience of “evolving” nights. In the dining area, simple long drop pendants hang over tables for intimacy, and a preserved tree is brought to life by a backlit coffer that creates dappled shadows through the leaves. For the flora outside, integrated illumination in the planting and pergolas offers a natural extension to the interior dining space. Back inside, the galvanised metal conduit installation is an eye-catcher. Punctuated with light it forms a framework effect throughout: from balustrade, to trellis and a radiating feature above the bar and dining area. The conduit’s illuminated sections pick up on the timber cladding, which houses concealed LEDs that wrap around the building’s perimeter to give the space a diffuse, ambient feel. And, the bar’s backdrop incorporates random lines of light to draw people in for a carefully-crafted cocktail. In the music and DJ area light levels were kept purposely low for a moodier effect, and cluster pendants added for accent. Transition spaces were also considered – they’re easily identified by the brand’s vibrant colour scheme that’s been integrated into cove lighting. A lighting control system follows the astronomical clock but because of the location, and the long summer nights, it can be easily overridden, giving the team the flexibility needed. Source: nultylighting
  16. As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, good lighting in the home is essential for everyday life. A large number of smart lighting solutions are available, which go far beyond the capabilities of conventional lamps. Intelligent lighting control has a practical use in many ways. It makes the home more comfortable and saves energy, future proofing it for the next generation. Here are four reasons why you should opt for smart lighting solutions: Smart light controls itself and offers more comfort Many commuters don’t like leaving and arriving back at the house in the dark. There is a simple solution – an intelligent light control. Pre-set lighting times control the light at home; the intelligent lamps then turn on or off automatically. But smart light also makes those TV evenings on the couch much more comfortable: the light can simply be controlled from the sofa with the tablet or smartphone. Save energy and money Intelligent lighting control not only saves time, but also energy and money. Automatic dimming at the appropriate time or daylight intensity ensures that daylight is used optimally. This way, energy is used economically, benefitting the environment and keeping those energy bills down. Promote concentration and wellbeing with the appropriate lighting Lighting has a major effect on our overall wellbeing. Different light colours can promote concentration or happiness in different situations or settings. For example, cold-white light is often used in the working environment because it increases performance and concentrating capacity. Warm white light, on the other hand, promotes emotional wellbeing and has a soothing effect. Also, the sleep-wake-rhythm can be supported by active light control. For a better and more restful sleep, experts recommend that we dim the light and avoid cold light at least an hour before going to bed. In the morning, lamps in the bedroom can be programmed to light up slowly, simulating a sunrise. Protect against burglars Illuminated rooms gives the impression that the room is in use and occupied. A programmed smart light timer can help to deter burglars when on holiday, for example, by creating the appearance of someone turning a light on and off. A permanently switched on light will be recognised by persistent burglars. With a wide variety of shapes and colours available, smart lighting products offer stylish yet versatile and practical lighting solutions to keep your home illuminated this winter.
  17. Towns and cities are increasingly making a mark for themselves with the targeted use of feature lighting. In addition to classical street and area lighting, ways of using illumination to specifically showcase certain places is being increasingly adopted. A creatively-lit park, a sharply illuminated monument, effective facade projection – purposeful and careful use of such elements contributes not only to creating a distinctive ambience, but also an atmosphere that makes people feel comfortable and excited. The new FLC230 LED profile projectors from WE-EF are the perfect instruments for realising such powerful lighting effects in public spaces. The FLC230 LED profile projector is also available as a colour changer, offering infinitely variable RGBW colour mixing, as it can render almost every shade of the colour spectrum. The profile projector comprises a spherical/triple flat convex lens system for producing a parallel light beam. The FLC230 LED profile projector and the colour-changer variant are available either as a zoom-spot projector [ZP] for producing sharply defined circles of light, a frame projector [FP] for illuminating polygon surfaces or as a gobo projector [GP] for projecting gobos onto a surface. The FLC230-CC LED profile projectors also come with a DMX interface as standard. Source: weef
  18. These optical illusion Star Wars lamps will take you to a galaxy far, far away The Death Star or BB-8 could light up your room with these Star Wars LED lamps. Turned off, it’s two dimensional etched acrylic glass, but when switched on via a touch button on the base, the lamp shines with a 3D appearance. Most lamps have multiple colors: white, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, or cyan. They’re nine-inches-tall. A USB port allows the lamps to get power. ??? Helpful customer Reviews & Comments. Read honest and unbiased product reviews. But few top these awesome optical illusion lamps that illuminate 3D images of favorite characters like Darth Vader or spaceships like the Millennium Falcon. The lamps are said to have a lifespan of more than 50,000 hours. The lamps are said to be energy efficient, producing little heat, making them safe for a kid’s room or nursery. Other optical illusion LED lamp designs are also being offered online, such as superheroes, flowers, or sports-themed lamps. ? Buy Now - Free international shipping
  19. NEW DELHI: Three-fourths of light emitting diode (LED) bulbs sold in India's $1 billion market were found non-compliant with government's consumer safety standards, market research firm Nielsen said in a survey on Monday. The report, based on a study of 200 electrical retail outlets across major cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and New Delhi in July, found the products to be spurious and riskier, with the highest number of violations in the national capital. "The spurious and non-branded LED products are a serious threat to not just the organised and compliant market players but also to the government's key programs like Make in India," the report said, referring to the government's programme to set up more manufacturing units in the country. In August, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) had ordered LED makers to register their products with BIS for safety checks, in a market where smuggling of Chinese products is rampant. India is tightening quality controls for consumer and capital goods, officials say, a move that follows calls to curb cheap imports from China amid diplomatic tensions between the world's two most populous nations over their shared border. "They (spurious products) also impact government's tax revenue collections...defeat investment objectives and go against the 'ease of doing' business philosophy," it said. The findings showed that 48 percent of LED bulb brands had no mention of manufacturer's address and 31 percent did not have a manufacturer's name. Source: indiatimes
  20. The big switch: Abu Dhabi's plan to convert old lights to LEDs The retrofit to replace 42,632 inefficient lighting fixtures is one of the biggest plans of its kind in the world The white lights are the new LEDS, with the older yellow lights on the right in this shot of Abu Dhabi's Salam Street. Abu Dhabi Municipality If you live in Mushrif or the Capital Centre, then you could be among the first to have your old streetlamps replaced with LEDs. Abu Dhabi Municipality last month announced ambitious plans to replace 42,632 older, inefficient lighting fixtures across the island. It is one of the largest projects of its kind in the world. The older lights are mainly high pressure sodium or metal halide. They give off a familiar orange glow, but are also notoriously inefficient. The new LEDs, or luminaires, will be up to 90 per cent more efficient; cost 90 per cent less to maintain; and also will lead to an 80 per cent reduction in harmful CO2 emissions. The quality of light and the fact it is more even will make it better for drivers and pedestrians. “Electricity bills were so high with all the old lights,” said Eiman Alameri, from the municipal infrastructure and assets sector at Abu Dhabi Municipality. “They really consume a lot of energy – and Abu Dhabi wants everything to be more sustainable,” she said. The retrofit is set to start early next year once the tendering process is completed. Work will be undertaken in five phases across the island and each phase is expected to take three months. The island is set to be finished by the middle of 2019. Poles or foundations will not have to be touched and only the lighting fixture will have to be replaced. Newer projects on the island such as on Salam Street and on Yas Island for example already use LEDs and the new fixtures are expected to last for about 12 and a half years compared with two to three years for the older lights. “The project is one of the biggest of its type in the world,” said Martin Valentine, lighting expert at the municipality. Mr Valentine said the Abu Dhabi plan is way ahead of other global retrofits when it comes to the quality of light. “It’s not just about changing to save energy. We’re [also] improving the lighting on the roads. We’re reducing the pollution,” he said. Traditional street lights, known for their yellowish hue, will be relaunched with bright white LED lights across Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi Municipality “A lot of other plans around the world are done purely on energy saving. They forget about the colour being too blue or light spilling into people’s houses. We are way ahead.” The initiative is also a public-private partnership. This is a relatively new phenomenon for the UAE but it is expected to become more widespread. Design, installation and maintenance will be taken care of by a private firm for a contract of about ten years. Then it's handed back to the municipality. “We want the private sector to be involved with the urban development of Abu Dhabi. We don’t want to have all the budgets coming from the government,” said Ms Alameri. While it is a public-private partnership, the municipality will retain control of the system. The retrofit includes the addition of a smart control system and it will yield consumption reports; identify failures; and allow lights to be dimmed at certain hours which will lead to even more savings. “These can be dimmed at times when traffic is quiet, after rush hour and between 1am and 5am,” said Mr Valentine. It is thought that there are 290,000 of the older lights still in use across the emirate. When the island retrofit is completed, it is believed that other areas of the emirate will be next. Local authorities around the word have been looking at introducing LEDs to cut costs. In some cities, such as Rome, residents have complained that harsh white light emanating from these new LEDs has distorted the ambience of the city. But for Mr Valentine, crude implementation is to blame. There are nine colour temperature options when it comes to LEDs, and these range from warmer yellow light to a harsh blue light. “You have to look at colour temperature. A historic city centre and a main road are completely different things. We encourage warmer colours for the streets,” said Mr Valentine. “We are not going too cold on the colour temperatures as some cities have and they’ve done that to save money. We banned the cold blue white colours from Abu Dhabi. We’ve got a neutral white colour which is the most efficient warm colour. "Maybe a lot of cities haven’t thought about the social and environmental aspects as well as the economic. It’s important all three are looked at in every design.” Source: thenational
  21. Robert Lights ✌

    Low ceiling. What is the best lighting?

    Lovely lighting is all about creating mood and atmosphere and making sure that you have bright light just where you need it. If it is going to be a bedroom you will need general lighting for getting dressed and task lighting for reading in bed. An office or playroom is likely to be used more during the day and will require stronger general lighting and task lighting at your desk. Avoid pendant or surface-mounted lights that restrict your headroom and make the ceiling feel even lower. A grid of evenly-spaced spotlights across the ceiling is a popular solution but will create a flat, bright light that doesn’t look great and can feel quite exhausting. Much better to angle your spotlights to wash light up and down the walls. This will provide a more interesting mix of light and shade, making the space feel lively and appealing. LED lights tucked in front of books, or behind artwork on shelves works well too. Dimmers are essential, giving you the flexibility to adjust the level of light to the time of day and the mood that you want to achieve. If you have a large loft space, think about zoning, making good use of plug-in solutions. LED lighting tucked inside cupboards and shelves is a better option than ceiling lights positioned behind you, which create a shadow precisely where you need your light to fall. In the loft use a spotlight to create a focal point highlighting a favourite piece of artwork or choose decorative lighting instead. Fairy lights and playful designs are perfect for children’s bedrooms and playrooms.
  22. Robert Lights ✌

    What do all the lamp color notations mean?

    Cool white is the non-technical way to say 4100K. The Kelvin rating is the color that an object turns when heated to that temperature. (Kelvin is degrees centigrade starting at absolute zero) Warm white corresponds to 3000K. Light white is 3500K. Daylight ranges from 5000K to 6500K.
  23. ? Excellent lighting, everything works! ? Product: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/10pcs-Indoor-PIR-Motion-Sensor-Led-Stair-Light-Infrared-Human-Body-Induction-Lamp-Recessed-Steps-Ladder/32691297603.html ? Store: Shop217887 Store
  24. While offering the same look as neon, led neon flex use less energy while offering greater durability With its art décor-inspired architecture and many dining, arts and entertainment options, the Tower District just north of downtown Fresno, Calif., is a highly desirable area to live. Unfortunately, affordable housing can be hard to find — putting the district out of reach for many entry-level renters. But now just to the south — on what previously was an empty and unsightly lot — a new 31-unit live/work development called 541 @ South Tower offers an affordable, stylish alternative for young professionals. Located between the Tower District and downtown Fresno, the development was designed by Marvin Armstrong, Architect and features the art-deco flair seen on many area buildings: curved ornamental elements and geometric designs outlined in what appears to be colorful neon. However, the lighting is actually iLight Plexineon — LED fixtures that offer all the advantages of neon, without the downsides. “The overall effect is really striking. You can see it from the highway. The quality of the light is so strong — the line work is really good, and the brightness and color are just perfect.” – Marvin Armstrong, Principal, Marvin Armstrong, Architect Source: ilight-tech
  25. Robert Lights ✌

    Best Light Installations • LED Lighting Installations

    Specialist manufacturers of bespoke theatrical and lighting effects Specialz have supplied a unique lighting display to this award-winning museum in Dublin EPIC, The Irish Emigration Museum is Dublin’s newest museum, dedicated to one of the pivotal facets of Irish history: that of Irish emigration. In the perfectly appropriate location, the museum is situated in Dublin’s Docklands on the Custom House Quay, the departure point for many of Ireland’s emigrants in the 19th Century. Within the museum are twenty themed interactive galleries that take visitors on a journey through Irish history and, through interactive and immersive technology, connects all those who claim Irish connections and heritage with a unique and powerful experience. Amongst the myriad of rooms dedicated to the global influence of the Irish culture through migration is a space entitled Science & Innovation. Within this gallery, visitors are familiarised with those of Irish descent who have been key in the development of scientific and technology progress. As an introduction to the mysteries of the Irish psyche, the Synapse provides a spectacular visual interpretation of the brain’s inner workings.This artistic impression that also provides light and visual movement to the gallery was designed by Adam Grater. “There was indeed a dual purpose to this installation,” opens Grater. “It’s title, The Synapse, explains what it represents but it also creates atmosphere and provides ambience in the way it physically illuminates the space. Once I had an idea of what I wanted I went to Dave Smith at Specialz to turn my thoughts into a workable reality.” Source: livedesignonline
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